![]() Posts: 376
So, it seems that Leoric's ring is going for a huge amount of gold on the GAH - evidently around 100M, though it's probably dropping by now - but its still going for a good buck. Main reason being going for + EXP in doing paragon leveling.
I can't take credit for the idea - i found out about it on the d3 forums. http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/6413262218?page=1 TL/DR - farm Adria runs in Act 2 Normal for the best chance to get it to drop. I didn't play fri or sat night but i'll put a few hours in tonight trying for this. Makes sense at this price. |
A new idea for farming.
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@baccarat0809 nice idea, maybe i'll give it a try ;)
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I really want this ring :( But I have horrible luck finding legendaries and because of that I don't think it will be worth it for me to try and farm for it. I plan on waiting a week or two and just buying it once it's cheap.
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Personally, I use obsidian ring of the zodiac and a ruby in a helm.
![]() Maybe I'll try that Leoric ring with it. +22 per kill goes a long way when you're killing mass spiders, scorpions, and skeletons. |
![]() Posts: 938
I am not a fan of +experience as even if you kill 100 monsters at 22 experience per - that's only 2,200 EXP. That's less than one monster gives in Inferno and because of that I don't think it's worth the descrease in killing speed.
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I only lose 100 int when I use this ring so its not too shabby of a loss. That and I use the shocknado build so it pretty much melts everything fast.
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Well, 2 runs and nada .... not that i expected anything, but hey, i was able to let my 10 year old tear through things and not worry about repair bills - lol.
Anyways, I'll be on later tonight doing this if anybody wants to screw around for a bit and see if we can get this to drop for us. Just seems like wayyyyy to much $$$ returned to find this ring so Ima gonna go for it. I'll post up later when I'm on. edit - time for dinner - i made ribs with sweet baby ray sauce for the wife and kids so gonna have dinner then i'll be back. |
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I think Anuiran brought up the ring before the patch launched so shortly after the patch launched I went diving into Act 2 and I think Vault runs are probably the best due to the high density of monsters and elites while still being able to drop ilvl 14 equipment. A Strafe DH equipped with a Hatred Regen set can basically run the entire dungeon without stopping. Strafe also retains the speed boost from Tactical Advantage which means you can Strafe even faster. Since they can attack and move simultaneously, Strafers are easily the best build for Signet hunting.
That said, the odds of getting one to drop are probably millions, if not hundreds of millions to one so it's not really a profitably route for a human to run. I could definitely see a bot doing endless Vault runs, though. |
![]() Posts: 349
I also tried this last night for about 4 hours, naturally no results. Apparently the Sewers of Caldeum are the best runs(with the Wretched pit snake thing at the end) as the mobs in Vault of Assassin have drops that are not in the range of level of the ring.
![]() Posts: 261
that's a good idea for a run.
I am tired of farming Act I and II Inferno and not getting anything, except one lousy Legendary worse than what I used to get pre-patch. does anyone know of any other non-Inferno Legendary that is worth 50Mio or more? |
![]() Posts: 261
@ecocd while I like the idea of it working with Tactical Advantage, Strafe is dangerous and not always efficient in my opinion.
you're not always surrounded by ennemies, often they're only in front of you. besides I am worried I'd miss a Rare/Legendary if I use it. while on a small dungeon like this one, it should be more or less fine; on a larger one, or outside (deserts, woods, etc.), I would worry about breaking objects or killing ennemies outside of the screen and not noticing it dropped a Legendary/Rare. something to keep in mind when you use it :) @baccarat0809 I forgot to thank you for this thread. there are so many whiners in the battle.net forums that it's easy to miss good threads such as this one, thanks for pointing it out. |
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adria runs?
getting 5 nv first or directly to the sewers? Thanks to all ;) |
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@Venoom Good points about running too fast, but I find that rings make a distinctive ting when they fall on the ground which means you wouldn't really have to see it drop so much as hear it. That's particularly true because rings drop so rarely at that point in the game.
I tried it out last night again tuning the build and with my Plvl 6 DH. My life bulb doesn't even move while running around with 200 MF gear (275 with NV) so I'm in absolutely zero danger. Pretty much all the Rares are trash at that point and aren't worth the time to even pick up. I pick them up anyway in part to have something to do and in part to farm Exp gear for my fledgling Wizard. With regard to drops, it looks like you have the best chance to get a Legendary from Elite drops, but based on sheer volume, you're probably just as likely, if not more likely to see them from white mobs. Quoting the from official game guide onItem Generation: When a monster drops an item, Diablo III randomly determines the item’s quality from a chart that includes item quality and the number of affixes present. The game randomly "rolls" on each property in the chart to determine which affixes your item will get. Your magic find score is applied as a bonus to these rolls. It sounds like Diablo 3 might drop slightly differently than Diablo 2. The item type is determined first, then ilvl, then the rarity. In Diablo 3, it was item, rarity, ilvl. Regardless, I'll have to track which monsters are dropping those rarely-seen rings. It might only be one monster type in the Vault which could make it a bad place to farm at least ilvl 14 rings. I know I see a lot of ilvl 57 rings drop in Act 2 Inferno, particularly around the Black Canyon Mines. I think that means, it's the minimum ilvl of rings that can drop there. If we could collectively farm Act 2 and Act 3 and find an area that consistently drops ilvl 14 rings, then that could be the best target to farm for a Signet. Maybe re-title the thread "Signet hunting"? |
![]() Posts: 261
@ecocd I didn't know about the specific sound, good to know :)
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I have already tried farming mid to late act 2 normal and found that it is a good place to get ilvl 17 rings to drop (the actual lvl of leoric's signet, 14 is just the clvl requirement), to no avail though.
I use a Monk infinite tempest rush build, works really well, and I can see what I am killing and what drops. I am going to do this on occasion just for shits and giggles... I will update you all with progress (if any). |
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@Baldy Thanks for the ilvl information. Does that mean we're looking for clvl 17 magic and rare rings to find the area that will drop the clvl 14 Signet ring?
Edit: I found Diablo 3 Database website d3db.com - perhaps where Baldy was looking - and discovered Monster Level information. Now why I see the OP said Adria runs. The mlvl for the Sewers of Caldeum are jsut about all 17 and 18 which means ilvl drops max out around 17. It's the tightest most consistent pack that can drop Signets. I would've been doing endless Vault runs. Now I can run Vault for quick NV and then heads to the Sewers. Seems like a serious grind. |
![]() Posts: 349
here is a video of someone finding one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGPQVCuO7xE&feature=youtu.be
![]() Posts: 261
wish me luck, there are only two of these on the european AH :)
@ecocd: I am not sure it's worth it getting 5xNV for this run if you have 300% MF already. as the merchant would say, "Too much pain, not enough extra %MF" sure, the 5xNV will guarantee you a Rare (that could end up being a Legendary) but is it worth the extra time it takes to collect them? |
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I think I may just buy one. I'll save the farming time for XP and godly gear.
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I can't afford (and don't want) one, I am farming it to sell it.
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@Venoom We don't know how the NV drops work on Elites. If it simply puts a floor on 4-affix rares on the guaranteed Rare drop from Elite packs, but keeps all of the probabilities the same for the Legendary -> 6-affix -> 5-affix progression, then it probably wouldn't be worthwhile. Of course, it's not like the Vault can't drop a Signet, it's just that those Mlvls go up to 20 so there's a much wider spread of item drops.
The Item Generation will first check the highest ilvls possible and go from there. In the case of the Sewers of Caldeum the first check is ilvl 17 which is why that would be the ideal place for farming. It's not like they won't drop in the Vault. Alcarnus is also all 17 and 18 monsters so hunt the guaranteed Elite pack or two in Alcarnus, then jump to the Vault for 3-4 more stacks and jump to the Sewers. It's probably a 5-minute run that way. Plus, I'll be farming Exp gear for my Wizard and possible future Monk so it's worth picking up Yellows for me for now. |
![]() Posts: 1195
I just checked the prices on those things. Hell to the no.
I may grudgingly see you in those sewers... |
![]() Posts: 376
I made a few more runs last night and got nothing - but I didn't really have the time to sit and play it out. Never thought about picking up the yellows for new toons - good idea.
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Well, you'd probably need to make a few thousand runs to have in a notable chance of finding one (seriously) so it's really only something to play around with rather than having it take the place of your normal Inferno farm runs.
For toons, in my experience you want to look for +8 exp items and obviously socketed helmets. None of them sell on the Auction House (I tried), but a full set of +8s will make leveling so much faster. Edit: Ran this a few time with my DH over lunch and (a) it's really boring and (b) man it's really boring. Sewers of Caldeum is tiny. I think I'm going to sacrifice a little bit of MF for another 14 yards pick up radius to clear some of the gold from the ground. So many blues... I was finding clvl 16 and clvl 18 rings in the Vault so it seems like a perfectly fine place to make part of the run. I was running Vault -> Alcarnus -> Sewers and finding plenty of 4-affix yellows with 250 MF including NV. Grabbing up all yellow armor looking for +exp and chipped gems to sell cheap on the AH to give a break to the newbies that are spending 200-400 Gold for them on the AH because they don't know any better. |
![]() Posts: 706
LMFAO! On a lighter note, to all you monkeys out there looking to farm for...well, anything really, I came upon a fun little build that utilizes the Tempest rush/Tailwind rune skill set to perfection. Infinite Tempest Rush It is great for doing quick normal runs for that elusive Leoric's Signet All you need is a Daibo and a helm with Spirit regeneration (preferrably higher than 1.5 on each item) Passives: Exalted Soul Chant of Resonance Guardian's Path My monkey regens spirit faster than Tempest rush utilizes it (with about 9.5 spirit regen per sec)...and with Tailwind rune for increased movement of 25% ON TOP OF your already 12% movement speed boots (which you'd be dumb not to use) you'll be flying through those dungeons one shotting everything. The trick to keeping your spirit globe full is that you have to keep the skill active because while you are channeling TR it only spends 10 spirit, but to activate the skill it uses up 15 spirit. Meaning if you start and stop alot....your spirit goes bye bye and then you have to wait for regen to catch up thus counteracts the whole reason you are using it in the first place. The other trick to this is make sure you are circling back after killing monsters and double checking your drops because you will be moving super quick and you might miss the item that you were farming for in the first place!! On a side note, this makes for a fun gold farming build as well. Have fun with it! |