Posted by Member Mehsiah on 9/12/13 03:37 AM
Posts: 248
Finally hit Paragon 100 on my 2nd Barb and jeeze, it's been a really hectic ride. If you search the forums you'll see my post about my first Paragon 100 etc. I figured I'd do another post with some data on times, loot and all that great stuff. (Will possibily be making a video, we'll see about that, haha) ______________ Aellai (Barb - 2nd PLvl 100) _____________ + Time taken: 75 hours / 27 mins. OLD RECORD: 125 hours. **New record by 50 hours!** + All leveling was done on MP10, Solo and Grouped. + From 1-100 I found a total of 511 Demonic Essences. + Farming was all done via WW/Rend, No Skorn - I dual wield the whole time. + Hit my 100 million gold pickup achievement this turn, Currently 110 million gold. + Saved all the "Top Legs" til 100. Here's what I found: ++ 9 Vile Wards/4 IK Gloves/4 EF's/7 Mojo Frogs/4 Skorns/2 Iceclimbers/ 2 Zuni Boots/ 2 Manti/ 2 Zuni Chest and 4 Lacuni's. Overall not much difference between my first 100 and this 100. MP10 is def the way to go to get your hours down by alot. As I noted above, I cut off 50 hours from my first run. Whats next? Most likely more barbs til we hear some info about Paragon 2.0. I will be saving all of my DE's and not crafting with em. My goal for the most part is just to have each class to 100, who knows who will be OP come Expac. :) ______________Have any questions about lvling? Msg me anytime!___________ Here is some pics of the loot I found during this run: |
The Journey to 100 (2)
Posted by Member Stukthrtl on 9/12/13 09:16 AM
Posts: 282
Congrats!! Went to look at your gear, but both your barbs are naked!! lmao
Posted by Member nuhertz on 9/12/13 11:31 AM
Posts: 512
I love watching your barb jump in paragon levels every time I log on.
What method are you using to track your stats including items picked up? |
Posted by Member Mehsiah on 9/12/13 11:46 AM
Posts: 248
Haha sry. Right when I hit 100, I strip em and get ready for the next barb. At P100, I am 350k Unbuffed with no follower... 364k with a follower / Around 500 AR / 50k health / 2.64 APS / And I all do this with 20 Pickup Radius on my gear, best stat ever IMO, lol. :)
Its hard to write down every single legendary that dropped. I just saved the ones that could roll GG for the end to see if I hit the money or not, haha. I def do not do the fastest runs because I am not a Skorn Barb but I do clear stuff pretty fast. I think the WR for 1-100 is 55 hours if I remember correctly. Maybe next barb Il do some more calculating and write down everything. :) IMO the hardest part of starting a new character is the dps/hp/armor loss. Gets tough on Mp10. |
Posted by Member nuhertz on 9/12/13 11:51 AM
Posts: 512
I will guess you just left your demonic essences on your barb then. That's easy enough to count.
Posted by Member Mehsiah on 9/12/13 02:20 PM
Posts: 248
Yep, when I start a new barb I leave bags empty besides pots and switching of hellfire/soj. Easyist way to figure out how many you actually collect. 500 is not bad imo. 10 characters = 5000 DE's for Expac. |