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Hi there,
since gold is worth less every day. wouldnt it be worth to buy high qualitiy gems to save your values? green ones prefered i guess, unless theres a crit dmg nerf in 1.0.4 or sth. what do you think bout that idea? |
buying gems to prevent gold inflation?
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I think buying commodities is a bad way to go in order to preserve Gold value. You get hit with a 15% AH fee when selling them back which means their price needs to go up in order for you to retain value. The other consideration is that you only get 30 per stack and having space.
Just my 2 cents. PS You can probably beat the curve on the lower gems because their values change the most frequently. Of course, they can burn you the easiest too. For instance, FS Rubies were less then 100 a week or so ago and are now around 150. So there could be a profit margin, but they are likely to drop in price again. |
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Been build Radiants Stars now for a few weeks, not much extra gold in it (sales vs build), but I takes one slot and you can build a nice nestegg in that one slot.
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i was thinking about this a few days ago and decided that it may be wise to simply invest all my gold in legendary plans and crafting mats...
boy has that ever paid off. Legendary plans are now selling for 10-20x what i paid for them. I think there could still be money to be made with Brimstones despite them being at 400k. When 1.04 drops and ppl actually start crafting..they will hit the roof. |
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Agreed, personally Im speculating pretty hard into brimstones. Wish I would have held onto a few plans though, sold a couple a few weeks ago and the prices have gone up 3 - 4x.
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Quoting myself:
... this also makes high-level gems the best Gold inflation hedge upgrade in the game. If you buy a Flawless Star Gem right now, you’re all but guaranteed to be able to sell it off at only a 20% loss. You won’t be able to say the same thing about that 20,000,000 Gold ring you just bought when the 1.04 Legendaries slash 30% of the value of all elite items overnight. Of course, if Blizzard decides to drop the Gold price of jewel combining, again, Gems will lose their value instantaneously, but I don't see that happening. Since nearly all of the cost of elite gems is in the gold combining cost, they'll never really fluctuate much in value, but they will make your gear a little bit better with only a 16-20% downside inflation risk (Blizzard's 15% AH price). That's why I'm upgrading my DH 4-12 Dex at a time. Note, though, this doesn't make the gems themselves an inflation hedge, because they'll always just be worth their gold crafting value. They're just a patch-1.04 hedge upgrade. Never put all your (Gold) eggs in any one basket, but if you're looking to upgrade your character before 1.04, gems are about as reliable any upgrade path. People are already speculating in the market that Blizzard is going to buff Rubies, Amethysts and Topazes, because you could get them for Vend prices a few days ago on the AH. They've jumped in price 25%-500% to well above Vend price. People are bragging about picking up Brimstones at 200k and selling at 450k, but Flawless Star Topazes that were going for 80-100 and are now going for 360. |
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Imagine for those traders who stack radiant star rubies before the patch. They are making a fortune right now .
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what would be fun is to allow you to sell items short on the AH :D
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no one would have guessed how much the price for the emeralds changed since patch.
Perhaps there was one illuminated being that invested in them right before the price spyke. But as they are no price is too high I'd invest in rubys if you need to do that now. Emeralds will drop eventually to close to 3-4k. |
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Why has the price of flawless square emeralds changed so much since the patch?
Its obvious about rubies..but emeralds? |
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@MasterJedi My best guess is there are just more people playing again. Emeralds are valuable for all 3 properties, because Gold bots need the +Gold %, Everyone needs + crit damage and DH and Monks need Dex. Apparently the number being found by players isn't really scaling with the number of new players.
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I remember I bought a perfect star emerald for like 5.2 M. I was thinking, well I need the CD but hopefully this price will go down... Next day it suddenly shot up to like 6 M. I think within 2-3 days, it was near 6.8 M. Pretty baffling that it suddenly shot up so quickly, but I guess I got a good deal on one (still need more...).
I agree with ecocd; they're simply more versatile than rubies. Rubies spiked initially when the patch came out; everyone immediately put the biggest ruby they could afford in their helm. But now what? You're certainly not going to put a ruby in your weapon. And only barbs need rubies for strength. I think emeralds will drop eventually, but I think the value of rubies is pretty much done for the time being. Almost everyone has at least a star in their helm; most people who can afford it have either the perfect star or radiant star. |
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Emerald prices shot through the roof over the last week! Happily selling inventory accumulated before 1.04. =P
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I check high gem prices like 100 times each day, when it's low i buy, when it's high i sell. I feel like a golden boy here :)
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@lolu : Is it worth it? i mean do you get over the 15% margin?
And from your experience have you noticed any trends in the time table? certain times of day when the market tends to go up, and when it tends to go down... |
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Guys when you try and buy commodities like gems and stuff, ALWAYS try and remember that commodities fluctuate the least OFTEN, yet have the greatest fluctuations. This might not make sense but, if you are investing in commodities, you should only wait for these huge fluctuation periods such as the time before patches, otherwise, if you try speculating with commodities you're almost definately gonna make a loss in the long run.
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You don't get millions every time you sell, but you can make like 2/3 miilions a day. It's often cheaper on rush hours, and expensive on the night. The more people buying, the cheaper you get your gems |
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If you are hedging against gold inflation you have to think of your future purchases. Are you buying the near perfectly rolled items, or the cheaper stuff (around 1 mil or less). If you are the type that purchases near perfectly rolled items ( worth hundreds of millions) you are best off buying those items to hedge against inflation since they are rarely rolled, while all the cheaper level items will eventually get salvaged as better items continually enter the market.
15 users posted in this thread: ap0kalyps3, arnald, ecocd, Fodder, Fugu, godondrugs, Hemi, jamespark888, laturalus, lolu, MasterJedi, Metta, Santient, Taco1, Venoom