Login troubles

Posted by Member Baldy on 8/24/12 05:30 AM #1
Posts: 706

I was in the middle of squaring up an auction when I hit the dreaded "input limit reached" and got booted. All I was doing was opening and closing the AH in order for it to refresh.

Anyone else having trouble?

They are supposed to have maintenance right now vut it doesn't come up with the "Server down" message.
Posted by Member ecocd on 8/24/12 05:58 AM #2
Posts: 1059

I got an error 3006 so that does mean the server is down. Looks like the official boards put it down about an hour ago. I wonder what exploit of bug they have to hotfix with no obvious advanced notice.
Posted by Member gnawol on 8/24/12 07:14 AM #3
Posts: 349

Well, i've been quite a bit today , had 5 stacks of NV multiple times and got booted, 3 times it said server maintenance which never happened. Since then AH has been on and off, sometimes it would say can't receive funds and boot you off.

Had 2 auctions close at very minimal bids , guess noone could bid, shit happens though

So all in all, yeah, servers are acting weird at the moment
Posted by Member ecocd on 8/24/12 07:36 AM #4
Posts: 1059

Posted by gnawol at 08/24/2012 07:14 AM

Had 2 auctions close at very minimal bids , guess noone could bid, [filtered] happens though

So what you're saying is that it's a buyer's market right now if you can get a bid in. ;-) Seriously, though, dude. That sucks. I wish you better in the future.
Posted by Member gnawol on 8/24/12 07:56 AM #5
Posts: 349

@ecocd correct, the best time to ever buy something is always before scheduled maintenance, make a bid on something when you know the auction house is going to go down, if the auction expires during maintenance then its great for you but bad for the buyer

Stuff like this happens and i'm slightly gutted but then again, its just fake money so no big deal! :-D
Posted by Member ecocd on 8/24/12 08:02 AM #6
Posts: 1059

@gnawol During maintenance, I believe they suspend all auctions. If you catch something with only 1 or 2 minutes left before maintenance, though, then it would leave a very minor slice of the population to bid on the items after maintenance is done. I bet Blizzard adds some small amount of time onto each auction during maintenance to prevent that problem. If they don't, they're stupid.
Posted by Member gnawol on 8/24/12 09:04 AM #7
Posts: 349

@ecocd sadly that's not the case, if there's 3 hours left on an auction and the maintenance goes on for 4 hours, the auction will expire in the time the Maintenance is ongoing.

It's bad for sellers but great for buyers and i'm guilty myself by bidding on items that i know are going to expire during Maintenance :-P
Posted by Member Buzzell on 8/24/12 09:15 AM #8
Posts: 296

I'm trying to get gear right now. why is the waffle house down!?
Posted by Member ecocd on 8/24/12 09:56 AM #9
Posts: 1059

@gnawol. That is just so inconceivably dumb, I can't even process that. I suppose I'll go looking for the same thing, now. When in Rome.

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4 users posted in this thread: Baldy, Buzzell, ecocd, gnawol

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