Goblins & Drop Rates

Posted by Member gnawol on 8/31/12 12:22 AM #1
Posts: 349

I'm not ranting or raving but has anyone noticed that Goblins tend to drop complete junk now, more or less so over the last week?

Seems that they always drop under level 60 items, balor fists, etc. On the other hand, chests seem to drop more rares and resplendent chests on occasion do drop a rare
Posted by Member Venoom on 8/31/12 12:39 AM #2
Posts: 261

Goblins seem to be affected by MF (or at least by your NV stack)

I noticed the opposite of what you did for chests.
I remember getting lot of Rares at some point, and now only occasionnally.
Posted by Member ecocd on 8/31/12 06:39 AM #3
Posts: 1059

Nope. Not sure where I first heard about this. It might've even been Venoom. Check out this extensive empirical study on Magic Find. Fantastic work. There hasn't been any notice that drop rates have changed for Goblins post-patch.

One thing you might be noticing is that the type of Treasure Monster affects the Treasure class of the drops. Not only might the RNG be screwing you a little bit, if you've also been randomly finding only one type (Goblin, Bandit, Seeker or Pygmy) with regularity, then you'll be getting similar drops. No Treasure Monster type has any greater chance to appear than any other, but for instance, Bandits are potentially 5 times as likely to drop Plans than any other Treasure Monster.

You've also likely been opening more chests since you noticed a few magical drops from them and so you're seeing a lot more magical items coming from chests. Given that bots love chests, I highly doubt Blizzard changed the drop rate for chests.
Posted by Member gnawol on 8/31/12 07:03 AM #4
Posts: 349

Just finding it odd, since i'm now at paragon level 22, you can imagine how much farming i have done in a short space of time.

Chests i have always opened even prior to patch, even turned over every corpse and opened everything that possibly is able to be opened or destroyed since i've only ever once found a legendary from an elite, the rest being white trash, corpses, weapon racks, etc.

I do Complete ACT3 runs (from start to finish) and come across all kinds of goblins, it feels like the higher my paragon level becomes the worse the drops are becoming ;-)

I'll give this a read, looks rather interesting and a perfectly good read, was just wondering if anyone else is having the issue with them dropping complete trash as of late (3-5 Tomes + 5 blues and 2 junk <60 rares :-) )
Posted by Member baccarat0809 on 8/31/12 07:21 AM #5
Posts: 376

Didn't find many goblins last night. Previous few nights I was running normal to get that damn gibbering gemstone. Found a ton of them in normal but no low level legends were dropped and I probably killed about 50 of them over those 2 days.

As for that article on Magic Find - it should probably be stickied here as its own thread and required reading. There's a TON of data and a wealth of overall MF information in that article. I also highly recommend reading it.
Posted by Member ecocd on 8/31/12 07:28 AM #6
Posts: 1059

@gnawol, There's strong evidence the number of rares dropping doesn't scale equivalently to the number of affixes dropping. What this means is the more MF you're wearing, the more rares you find, but you'll also find a larger portion of 4-affix rares compared to 6-affix rares.

You aren't imagining things. On a relative basis you are getting worse drops the more MF you have. Thing is, you're getting a lot more rares so you ultimately are getting a few more 6-affix rares with more MF. It will feel like you're picking up more crap overall, however.

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4 users posted in this thread: baccarat0809, ecocd, gnawol, Venoom

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