Random Facts About Paragon Leveling

Posted by Member Metta on 9/12/12 05:34 PM #1
Posts: 411

So, paragon leveling is pretty... tedious. I don't have the Leoric's Signet, but I have the Radiant Star Ruby in my helm and it's still pretty slow... So I thought I'd just share some fun facts about PL for anyone interested.

*All exp values are in millions

1) From Level 1-60, it is a simple arithmetic series where each level's required exp increases by 1.44. This isn't A LOT, but it does build up over time. I think the general feeling is a persistent sense of lengthening of time to level. Something like, a half more Act 3 run every 5 levels.
2) After Level 60, the experience required per level increases geometrically every 10 levels. This means that it takes progressively more experience beyond 60. From 91-100, experience required increases by 8.64 PER LEVEL.
3) The experience needed to reach Level 100 is 10454.4. So here is a short chart of progression by levels (approximate values):

Halfway between Level 8 and 9: 1%
Level 23: 5%
Level 34: 10%
Level 50: 20%
Level 56: 25%
Level 78: 50%
So yes, it takes the same amount of exp/time to go from 1-78 as it does from 78-100.

The patch with paragon leveling has been out for about 3 weeks (21 days). So here is a short chart estimating the time it will take you to reach Level 100 based on your current average exp per day farm rate.

Level 10: 6.5 per day = 1584 days
Level 20: 19.9 per day = 505 days
Level 25: 29.1 per day = 338 days
Level 30: 40.1 per day = 240 days
Level 35: 52.8 per day = 177 days
Level 40: 67.2 per day = 135 days
Level 50: 101.1 per day = 82 days

I'd say the motivation/ability to play decreases over time, so I would add about 25% more on top of that estimated time. Of course, I suppose it's possible to be machine-like and devote a constant period of time to farm every day. Additionally, obtaining a signet would give you 20-30% more exp, so it would cut down the time by about 20% (actually slightly less).
Hopefully, this gives everyone a sense of how long it will take to reach PL 100. Well, I guess I'm gonna go... farm exp!
Posted by Member ecocd on 9/13/12 06:53 AM #2
Posts: 1059

Great post @Metta! Looks like Levels 50 or 56 are a good time to make a permanent switch to a MF helmet unless you're looking to pump your stats for PvP (3 Dex per level is pretty substantial over 50 levels).
Posted by Member tilgare on 9/14/12 12:16 PM #3
Posts: 7

After looking at the graph that DiabloFans posted (below), I've come to the conclusion that I will get there when I get there. As far as I know, they have not introduced an achievement for getting to Plvl 100, and I'm just not compelled to blast through levels as fast as possible to reach 100 for the sake of doing it (or for the MF/GF). As I level, I get slightly but progressively better and see more loot, so it's nice incentive to play, but I'm not going to go crazy. I'll hit 100 eventually!

I really cannot believe that there are actually people managing to reach Plvl 100 already (8 with 2 close behind as of now), it's pretty insane.

Posted by Member gnaungayan on 9/14/12 08:09 PM #4
Posts: 23

as for the achievement, I believe blizz didn't put any as the streaming of Alkaizer showed before nothing happens just a pretty glow and huge text on your screen.

I tend to use the route of Alkaizer's and it seems it's pretty fast.
Posted by Member zylog on 9/15/12 01:36 PM #5
Posts: 3

I wonder what the sweet spot is, in terms of the most MF for the least XP farmed. I'm currently aiming for about 60-70, where I'll be able to have about 2/3 of the MF boost at 1/3 the total grind.
Posted by Member Genoshk on 9/15/12 01:51 PM #6
Posts: 2

If you hit 300% mf on your gear + paragon, and are still killing quickly, then you're in the sweet spot. As you level more, change out your gear for more dps and keeping mf capped.
Posted by Member whatdonow on 9/15/12 02:23 PM #7
Posts: 3

I wish they made some part of paragon leveling account wide. I leveled my Witch Doctor to 12 before I got bored of him and now my DH is 15, but it feels like such a waste to play any character other than only 1 of them.
Posted by Member Bowser84 on 9/15/12 03:50 PM #8
Posts: 2

Woot not even 2 percent of the way there!
Posted by Member bonedout on 9/15/12 04:52 PM #9
Posts: 2

Omg I have been playing so much but I am only at paragon lvl 41. Not even 20% of the way there :(
Posted by Member Incronaut on 9/15/12 05:41 PM #10
Posts: 2

Wow this is amazing! Paragon levelling is really slow, but I try not to think of Paragon max level as an achievement as it is a bonus
Posted by Member saiyu on 9/15/12 05:50 PM #11
Posts: 2

Thanks for the information, man
Posted by Member jlian on 9/15/12 05:57 PM #12
Posts: 2

Alkaizer (world first Paragon level 100) gets about 50 million exp per hour. If you do his run, depending on your efficiency, you can get anywhere from 20 to 50 per hour.
Posted by Member srygonic on 9/15/12 08:36 PM #13
Posts: 2

about 20% there already!
Posted by Member pheer on 9/15/12 08:48 PM #14
Posts: 2

Just over 10% there.. looks like this will take awhile :p

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