![]() Posts: 706
Yay me! Can you figure out what that means? lol
Finally joined the 3 Comma Club
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You have 1 billion gold.
Do I win a prize, say half? :) |
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Now to spend it all on one item.
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Now come over to Hardcore.
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Well, the first rule of the 3 comma club is you DON"T TALK ABOUT IT !!!!
j/k Congrats |
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Congrats! Jealous. =\
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Do you care to help others that are less fortunate? :D
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Baldy starts this thread, winds up organizing diablo 3 welfare.
Stop begging people. You too can become a billionaire. You just have to stop spending and farm smart. Flipping helps too. |
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Flipping is what got me to that point...it took me 3 months...I wasn't broke when I started, though.
Needless to say, The HOTA build for my barb has been slowly but surely whittling away at those earnings. So much fun!! |
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Congrats! Good to see that flipping still works!
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Indeed, grats. Still very possible to do.
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I haven't sold anything to brag about in probably 3 weeks...the RM auction house is pretty much dead to me. (Unless somone wants to share some juicy bits about possible markets. I'm all ears...) |
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Agreed! Great to see you running Thunderstrike. I prefer two-handed for maximum HULK SMASH! potential, but I've tried the EF which is fun, too. I stupidly didn't think to get a high dps offhand, though, instead using my CD/LS dagger. Duh. I'll have to try that again now maybe with my decent Bul-Kathos... |
![]() Posts: 706
As much fun as the HOTA build is, the reduction pieces needed to run it at little/no cost are RIDICULOUSLY priced. At leasr the ones that give you higher DPS, obviously.
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@Baldy, Yeah and when they go on bid, they're not remotely as expensive as their buyouts. It's supremely annoying. Fortunately, with enough CC and Into the Fray, I don't run low on Fury all that often. Overpower is a good way to build Fury in a hurry. 2H weapons get fury reduction so that makes it easier for my build.
Fortunately in about 36 hours, you'll be able to afford to run it at -20 with 2H, Skull Grasp, Kaleidoscope and SoJ. At least we're not trying to run Zombie Dog Sacrifice builds. |
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While this is true, Finding the right pieces, while not overpaying for them (I'll always be rather frugal) will still be a supreme challenge. They quantity of really good pieces just aren't there whenever I search for them on the AH. |
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I was able to get to -18 for roughly 25mil, of which 20 mil was for a -4 SoJ.
My items and gear is pretty weak I know. But take a look at my weapon. Really underrated item in my opinion. Sure, it's not Skorn, but the Str bonus, socket and CD increment is Skorn level. |
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@Bort You got some insane deals on the Skull Grasp and Kaleidoscope so your experience was definitely unrepresentative of North American servers. Your gear even on bid should be at least 70 million so it must be much more popular in NA than Europe. Heck, your Skull Grasp alone could probably fetch 40-50 million on it's own.
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Exact prices:
Skull Grasp: 1258800 (Bid) Mara's Kaleidoscope: 315000 (Bid) SoJ : 19991926 (Buyout) Fury of Vanished Peak: 2.4 Euro (Bid) So yeah, if what you are saying is true I definitely got these for dirt cheap. But neither my Skull Grasp or my Kaleidoscope has CC. Which makes a massive difference in price and DPS. Also... hehe, we got a bit off topic. |
![]() Posts: 600
Really nice work.
I'm really keen to make my barb have wrath up pretty much all the time, like in the vid I posted up a bit. That probably means I need to get rid of Rend for Sprint and have much better survivability. Probably switching out the IK weapon for faster attack speed 1h's (more hits = more fury back). Still thinking this through so appreciate comments :D |
![]() Posts: 551
@ninjax Keeping up Wrath.
I may not be correct, but I do believe that it only counts fury actually gained. What I mean is this, as you can see on my build I don't use fury for my HotA. At least, my cost after gear reduction is 2 Fury, and I gain 3 from Weapons Master. So I get into situations very easily where my Fury is full pretty much all the time while I swing my hammer. Anyway, in this situation I have noticed that my wrath ends quite quickly, even though in theory I gain 3 fury per hammer hit + 15 fury per crit. And since hammer crits a lot more with a full fury pool I do believe I really gain a lot of fury. On the other hand, if I swing the hammer, and cast rend or whatever in between to actually use up some of my fury wrath seems to last longer. Now, I may be wrong about that, but keep it in mind. That's also why I believe the Sprint / whirlwind keeps wrath up so nice, because you are both using and gaining fury at a silly rate. As for switching out. I had a go at using Echoing Fury + a shield with -5 HotA cost. My attacks were much faster, and in theory then LOH and Fury gains are much higher. But I simply enjoyed the big hits from the 2H more. Much more satisfying. |
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In my experience Fury gained while at max fury doesn't prolong wotb.
You have to spend it down to keep it active. |
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You guys are correct. If you're fury pool is full you wont be gaining anymore. That's why there's the term "fury dumping."
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So is it easier to spend Fury with EF because the WW drains Fury faster than Skorn? Is it just a matter of constantly refreshing Battle Rage and Rend? I've never quite gotten the hang of infinite WotB.
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I slowly spam sprint then use BR for every 5-10 sprints. But i'm bad at keeping it up too.
it's either: "Oooh, shiny!" or 300 yards of an empty level that seem to plague me lol |
13 users posted in this thread: baccarat0809, Baldy, Bort, douvinsky, eastdragon42, ecocd, EnzyOne, Khan, NightCrawler9, ninjax, nuhertz, Raulz0r, Stukthrtl