Posted by Member mentok1982 on 4/19/13 08:49 AM
Posts: 324
There are incredible amounts of life regen buffs in the latest 1.0.8 PTR patch notes!
I love life regen. When I put all my life regen gear on, I can get up to around 4,142 life per second. That 4,142 is without help from my templar or any other skills. Now lets see how high my life regen can go with all these new buffs! Lets assume my life is 40,000 before I add all the following. BARBARIAN War Cry - Invigorate +620 life per second Increases life by 10% Last 120 seconds with Inspiring Presence passive Inspiring Presence Regens 4% of max life per second Starts when you shout and lasts 60 seconds DEMON HUNTER Sentry - Aid Station Regens 2% of max life per second A sentry lasts 30 seconds or 60 seconds with Custom Engineering passive MONK Mantra of Healing +1,240 life per second Lasts 3 minutes WIZARD (me) Familar - Vigoron +620 life per second Lasts for 5 minutes Galvanizing Ward +620 life per second Works as long as an armor spell is active So lets start with me, the wizard. I can add 1,240 life per second so that's 5,382 total. Then the Monk starts his mantra so now I add another 1,240 for a total of 6,622 life per second. Then War Cry increases my maximum life by 10% which gives me 44,000 life. War Cry also gives me 620 more life per second for a total of a total of 7,242 Inspiring presence then makes me regen 4% of my 44,000 life per second. That's 1,760 for a total of 9,002. The Sentry Aid Station adds another 2% of max life per second. That's 880 for a total of 9,882 life per second! That is pretty close to 10,000 life per second. To increase it to 10,014 life per second all I need to do is start with 42,000 life instead of 40,000. I bet I can do that! I am not in the PTR right now, but I may join if I can get a monk, barb and demon hunter to help me try to reach 10,000 life per second. If not in the PTR, I can wait for all the changes to go live. |
Insane buffs to Life Regen means 10k per sec 4 me!
Posted by Member Khan on 4/19/13 09:27 AM
Posts: 1195
This is interesting...
Posted by Member mentok1982 on 4/19/13 09:59 AM
Posts: 324
Do you know if War Cry - Invigorate affects other players with its max life buff and its life regen buff? |
Posted by Member Khan on 4/19/13 10:03 AM
Posts: 1195
It should since the text for the ability reads:
"Unleash a rallying cry to increase Armor for you and all allies within 50 yards by 20% for 60 seconds." |
Posted by Member Khan on 4/19/13 10:05 AM
Posts: 1195
To clarify though, I'm not sure. Just going off of what the text says. Also for Invigorate it says: "Increases maximum Life by 10% and regenerates 310 Life per second while affected by War Cry."
One would presume that "while affected by War Cry" means everyone in that 50 yard radius. |
Posted by Admin Artishir on 4/19/13 03:32 PM
Posts: 182
@mentok1982 It does work on other players (Tried it out today)
Posted by Admin Artishir on 4/19/13 03:38 PM
Posts: 182
I might have read this wrong, but aren't you the wizard? And if so i don't think inspiring presence works on anyone but the barb who has it as a passive? |
Posted by Member razer22 on 4/19/13 05:33 PM
Posts: 194
@Artishir They made Inspiring Presence to affect all party members. This sounds very good for HC groups with a barb who can buff resistances and life regen.
Posted by Admin Artishir on 4/20/13 12:01 AM
Posts: 182
@razer22 oh nice. That sounds like it'd be really nice to have :P
Posted by Member mentok1982 on 4/22/13 02:23 PM
Posts: 324
Thanks guys! I was gone for the weekend since I was attending Awesome Con. I recorded video of the Futurama panel which means that my video is the last time that a group of people would hear Phil LaMarr and Billy West talk about Futurama before it was announced that the show has been canceled. When I got Billy's autograph, he told me that I should be prepared to fight for an 8th season of Futurama |
Posted by Admin DHAdmin on 4/22/13 04:24 PM
Posts: 938
I love Futurama!
Posted by Member Bort on 4/22/13 10:55 PM
Posts: 551
I love Futurama seasons 1-4.
Since the movies and the new network it just went downhill (and downstairs) a lot. |
Posted by Member ecocd on 4/23/13 06:50 AM
Posts: 1059
@mentok1982 I have bought a set of pretty good Life Regen gear on a budget of around 12 million Gold for my Barb and I managed to get 2,687 that's with 0 on my shoulders, 0 on my Hellfire and only 338 on my IK chest. I can't imagine how much your chest and amulet alone would cost, let alone everything else to get up 4,142 / second. A solid IK chest with 500 Life Regen ran well over 10 million on bid on its own and solid 300 Regen IK Boots jumped up to 4 million; don't even ask about Ice Climbers.
Barb skills are pretty fantastic for Life Regen already. War Cry - Invigorate and Inspiring Presence boost it 3,000 on their own (somehow ended up with 60,000 Life and still 2188 Strength). Barbs also get Frenzy-Triumph Killing an enemy with Frenzy heals you for 8% of your maximum Life over 6 seconds. Which works out to an additional 1.3% Max Life regen (curious as to why Blizzard didn't buff this effect given that they buffed pretty much everything else). That works out to a temporary boost of 780 Life/sec. It seems like this gear might be appropriate for a novelty low-MP Berserker's Rage build I've been considering. One of its biggest hurdles is regaining life in combat. Frenzy's proc coefficient is .75 and Cleave is .80 so they will do pretty well with my 1186 LoH (1686 with one Perfect Star Amethyst). I can push 8.3% Life Steal on gear and passives. Adding 5-6k Life Regen on top of that and even with only 500 AR, that could be a pretty serious tank. I'm definitely up for testing this with you. It may take a few days to get my Life Regen gear imaged up to the PTR, though, because I just finished buying the set last night. I'm also willing to wait until 1.0.8 is live. Barbs are nice and share all their Life Regen skills, but Wizards are greedy with their Life Regen skills only applying to themselves. |
Posted by Member Mehsiah on 4/23/13 09:54 AM
Posts: 248
Posted by Member mentok1982 on 4/23/13 11:22 AM
Posts: 324
Thanks! If you can wait for live, so can I. Please let me know what kind of results you get if you do decide to do some PTR testing though.
Almost all my life regen gear was purchased before brawling was added to the game. Life regen gives you health even when you are not hitting something so people started looking for it. I got me chest for a nice price because whoever was trying to sell it could not get rid of it (low Intel and no bonus armor). He kept lowering the price after the auction expired and I waited as long as I could bear. I do think I paid a good amount for this amulet. My previous amulet had over 300 armor, 6.5% CC, 56% CD, less life regen, no gold find, the same amount of magic find and some dexterity instead of strength. The life regen gear that I have in my stash includes a Sky Splitter with well over 500 lps, a perfect 342 lps Zuni pox and I have some crafted crit bracers that have some life regen in the high 100's or low 200's I think. Oh and my 'real' chantodo's force has 290 lps which is 5 more than the one you see in my profile. |
Posted by Member ecocd on 4/24/13 05:52 AM
Posts: 1059
The understandable nerf of Inspiring Presence back down to 2% relegates Life Regen PvE back to the low MP levels. Extreme life Regen was indeed the last piece of the puzzle to the Berserker's Rage build and made it viable up to Act 3 MP5 on live and I suspect it could have gone up to MP6 with 4% from Inspiring Presence. The enormous advatange Life Regen has is against Elites. As @mentok1982 states, the key is to survive when not hitting often. I may actually sell my Barb Life Regen set for my DH, because the biggest weakness, by far, with the high-MP level Grenades build is staying alive in Unique monster fights. It lives on its LoH and Uniques can do damage faster on MP9-10 than even the highest LoH can recover. 4000+ life regen will almost surely go a long way towards covering this weakness.
If there's interest in buying a pretty good Life Regen IK Set and Blackthorne Pants/Amulet, I can post the stats and wouldnt be looking to make a profit beyond my AH bid price for DiabloHub posters. |
Posted by Member mentok1982 on 4/24/13 06:49 AM
Posts: 324
So now that Inspiring Presence is being brought back to 2% I am going to re-do my calculations.
So lets start with me, the wizard. I can add 1,240 life per second so that's 5,382 total. Then the Monk starts his mantra so now I add another 1,240 for a total of 6,622 life per second. Then War Cry increases my maximum life by 10% which gives me 44,000 life. War Cry also gives me 620 more life per second for a total of a total of 7,242 Inspiring presence then makes me regen 2% of my 44,000 life per second. That's 880 for a total of 8,122. The Sentry Aid Station adds another 2% of max life per second. That's 880 for a total of 9,002 life per second. So at 40,000 starting life I will lose 880 life per second with this change. |
Posted by Member Khan on 4/24/13 07:04 AM
Posts: 1195
If you had a witch doctor and used Big Bad Vodoo/Ghost Trance, you'd get:
The ritual heals all nearby allies for 5% of their maximum Life per second plus the additional increase in attack speed and movement speed of all nearby allies by 20% for 20 seconds. |
Posted by Member mentok1982 on 4/26/13 08:58 AM
Posts: 324
I put on all my life regen gear last night and it turns out that I have more than I thought.
I have 4,650 life per second. So lets start with me, the wizard. I can add 1,240 life per second so that's 5,890 total. Then the Monk starts his mantra so now I add another 1,240 for a total of 7,130 life per second. Then War Cry increases my maximum life by 10% which gives me 44,000 life. War Cry also gives me 620 more life per second for a total of a total of 7,750 Inspiring presence then makes me regen 2% of my 44,000 life per second. That's 880 for a total of 8,630. The Sentry Aid Station adds another 2% of max life per second. That's 880 for a total of 9,510 life per second. |
Posted by Member mentok1982 on 5/7/13 11:44 AM
Posts: 324
Now that the patch is out I would like to max out my life regen by getting a barb, monk and demon hunter to join me. I am going to record it using FRAPs and then I will post it to the YouTubes.
Let me know if you are willing to assist me! |