Posted by Member pyromarshall on 7/18/13 03:13 PM
Posts: 31
demonic essence - 271
mythic health - 300 tome of secrets - 110 key of hate - 1 key of destruction - 3 |
[US] multiple resources for sale
Posted by Admin DHAdmin on 7/18/13 03:40 PM
Posts: 938
Hey just so you know... Demonic Essences, Key of Hate and Key of Destruction are not tradable.
Posted by Member pyromarshall on 7/18/13 10:19 PM
Posts: 31
I can drop the demonic essence and someone can pick it up
Posted by Admin DHAdmin on 7/18/13 10:28 PM
Posts: 938
Sorry man that's not true. You can drop any bind on account item, but other players cannot pick it up. |
Posted by Member Bort on 7/19/13 12:24 AM
Posts: 551
Just to add to that. They will be able to see it on the ground, but as Anuiran says, they won't be able to pick it up. |
Posted by Member nuhertz on 7/19/13 08:52 AM
Posts: 512
There used to be a bug when initially launched that this was possible. It has since been fixed. No more dropping DE for people to pick up.
Posted by Member pyromarshall on 7/19/13 10:51 AM
Posts: 31
I did it a week ago so must still be there but hey if I am wrong then I will shut up. I do not want to fight over this
Posted by Member Stukthrtl on 7/19/13 03:29 PM
Posts: 282
No one is fighting. Just trying to help out
Posted by Member eastdragon42 on 7/21/13 08:58 PM
Posts: 413
As has been pointed out, you cannot give/trade/sell Demonic Essences, Keys of Hate, or Keys of Destruction.
Regarding potions, you should talk to @Mentok1982, &/or check out his thread here. He is the go-to man for potions! :-) As for the Tome of Secrets; considering how easy it is to get those off of the AH, you'd have to be discounting them pretty heavily for someone to want to hassle with trying to meet up with you in a game just to purchase 110 Tomes... so at the very least, you'd probably want to accumulate a *lot* more than 110 before trying to sell them. I'd recommend having a minimum of several dozen full stacks (1000). (That being said, it's probably less hassle for you to just sell those on the AH as well...) Regardless, good luck! |
Posted by Member mentok1982 on 7/22/13 07:34 AM
Posts: 324
I buy mythic potions for 50 gold each which is 5,000 for a stack of 100 potions.
I sell them for 100 gold each which is 10,000 for for a stack of 100 potions. I am not trying to make money by doing this, just trying to give people a place to go to for cheap potions. You are more than welcome to sell your potions for 300 gold each if you like. |
7 users posted in this thread: Bort, DHAdmin, eastdragon42, mentok1982, nuhertz, pyromarshall, Stukthrtl