Might have an idea against bots...?

Posted by Member zephirion on 8/5/12 01:27 PM #1
Posts: 5

Hello everyone! I'm french soooo... Sorry for my poor english.

This is just an idea that came to me not so long ago, after facing these overpriced items on the auction house. I know that this prices behavior is in some way the result of bots.
If you read a bit about them, you must know that botters use A LOT of bots at the same time. One of them said in an interview (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NUQTATy5dc) that he was using around hundreds of bots at a time. Because of these botters, the gold globaly gathered ingame is much higher than it should actually be, especially after a month or so after Diablo 3 was released. We're talking about billions and billions of "extra" gold.

Next, those botters are able to farm so much gold only because of ONE main stat : the pickup radius. I must admit that I wanted to try bots. Then I read that botters would get banned if spotted. It made me change my mind because getting some extra gold without playing is not worth 60€... When you know that they can make a run (eg. Sarkoth in the Dank Cellar) in only a few seconds, it makes me want to give up Diablo 3.

Now, this is my idea, short and simple : GET RID OF THIS PICKUP RADIUS! We had to click on these gold coins to pick them up in Diablo 2... And it was just perfect. Maybe the pickup radius can save your life when you get an heal orb (or whatever it is called in english...), but picking up gold from X yards is just a time saver. Keeping pickup radius for health globes ONLY would be a pain in the *** for those bots and stop them, or slow them A LOT at least...

Tell me what you think about it, and if I should submit this idea on Blizzard forums?
Thanks for your time, and have a nice day ;)
Posted by Member Methrin on 8/5/12 04:17 PM #2
Posts: 163

It will only an annoyance for us regular players. Programming the bot to click the stacks of gold is not hard. Blizzard just needs to be more pro-active in dealing with botters and banning them quicker.

Désolé, ta solution n'est pas pratique.
Posted by Admin DHAdmin on 8/5/12 04:21 PM #3
Posts: 938

Agreed the only real solution is better targeting of the bots to stop them, hurdles for the bots to jump will not fix the problem - rather annoy a legitimate player.
Posted by Member zephirion on 8/5/12 04:43 PM #4
Posts: 5

Here is another one then... Why not having players to answer a captcha, let's say, every half an hour / every hour? I know captha is annoying... But it could block the bot until the botter answers it. Since bypassing a captcha is kind of complicated, giving bots the ability to bypass them would also make them more noticeable to Warden... Maybe this is a little far fetched, but worth a new thread on Blizzard forums :D.
Posted by Member Methrin on 8/5/12 05:17 PM #5
Posts: 163

There is no easy solution.

My previous job was on Lord of the Rings Online and I've seen the backend of an online game and let me tell you, the only foolproof way to get rid of gold farmers, botters and the likes is to have people looking for them and banning them. Back then we used to have a couple guys whose job was just that. They'd log in iin the morning, look at the tickets the players had sent in regarding botters/gold sellers that the Game Masters had forwarded them and investigate. Once they had confirmation enough, a ban was done.

There were really stupid botters, but some of them were clever and it was an uphill battle. All the easy solutions were temporary, anything you could find to ban a lot of them quickly, they'd learn to avoid. It's the nature of the beast.
Posted by Admin DHAdmin on 8/5/12 06:00 PM #6
Posts: 938

Uh slightly off-topic but it's very interesting that you worked on LOTRO @Methrin. It's nice to get a perspective of how things were being handheld inside the company, as far as I am aware catching botters is a much harder task than it seems.
Posted by Member zephirion on 8/7/12 07:06 AM #7
Posts: 5

There it is! Blizzard enabled a "limit" to slow botters! Hope it will work... I'd really want to see a fully working auction house with proper prices... See you in some days, when prices are a bit lower again!
Posted by Member darianngo on 8/8/12 03:29 AM #8
Posts: 4

the limit is now here!!! bots will hopefully get shut down or slowed down.
Posted by Member DiabloManDan on 8/8/12 09:32 AM #9
Posts: 3

I don't think the game limits will slow them down that much. Like what was said above..."There is not easy solution."

They will just test to find the limit and adjust all they are doing to that limit.
Posted by Member Jeebs on 8/14/12 12:45 PM #10
Posts: 2

You'd think they could check the servers, look at the play time and see who's been playing 24/7 since the freakin' game was released. It should be pretty obvious based on play time alone.
Posted by Member gnawol on 8/14/12 04:48 PM #11
Posts: 349

The game limit thing is annoying for a lot of things, if you search and list a lot on the auction house it will trigger and boot you out. Same if you friend or defriend a lot of people at once, you get the same error. I doubt it'll do anything to the botters, they'll just put in a delay in the bots script so it knows to start a game after a given period.

They should just track people with an insane GF and Pickup Radius and monitor the goldpickup closely. They can see the transactions on the account, e.g. if a botter gives 20mil per day to another account, its pretty obvious. They aren't too worried it seems, lets ope with 1.04 they put some countermeasures in place

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