Act 5 Event guide

Posted by Member Bort on 4/23/14 06:29 AM #1
Posts: 551

This is a guide for anyone still looking for act 5 events. Most of this is probably common knowledge by now, but I was on holiday for a couple of weeks. :)

I have done most of these in campaign mode, single player.
Note in general. All events can spawn in campaign or adventure mode, any difficulty, any level. No special status required.
Some events are really really insanely ridiculously rare, so if you try it 20 times and still haven't found it, the only advice is to keep on looking.
In the lists I will put an * behind the event name if I have personally seen it as a bounty.
I will also put a !! behind the name if it is known to NOT be possible as a bounty.
If it has neither it simply means I haven't seen it as a bounty, but it may or may not be possible as one.

This is for all the events needed for Campaign - Act V, as well as Coooperative Act V.

If I don't list a dungeon it means it is the area itself.

Achievement: Sightseeing and The Tourist
The Angered Dead . . . . Westmarch Commons
Touch of Death*. . . . . . . Westmarch Commons
The Harvest . . . . . . . . . Westmarch Commons
A Shameful Death . . . . Westmarch Commons . . . Dungeon: The Killing Floor
Necromancer's Choice*. Westmarch Commons . . . Dungeon: Hall of the Dark Arts
The Miser's Will*. . . . . . . Westmarch Commons . . . Dungeon: Miser's Hovel
The Lost Patrol*. . . . . . . Westmarch Commons . . . Dungeon: Tustine's Brewery
Hide and Seek*. . . . . . . . Westmarch Heights . . . . . Dungeon: Captain Haile's House
Tollifer's Last Stand!! . . . Westmarch Commons
Walk in the Park . . . . . . . Westmarch Commons
Finding the Forgotten*. . . Westmarch Heights . . . . Dungeon: House of Corpses
Home Invasion*. . . . .. . . . Westmarch Commons . . Dungeon: Ransacked Dwelling
The Reformed Cultist* . . . Westmarch Commons . . Dungeon: Abandoned Cultist Stores
The Last Stand*. . . . . . . . Westmarch Commons . . Dungeon: Old Smuggler's Warehouse
Out of the Fire*. . . . . . . . . Westmarch Heights
Magic Missile*. . . . . . . . . . Westmarch Commons . . Dungeon: Sorceror's Room

Note there are more events in Westmarch areas like Pest Problems, The Haunted Inn, Firestorm etc. that don't count for achievement.

Achievement: Long Live the King No co-op equivalent
The Rebellious Rabble* . . . . . Westmarch Commons . . . Dungeon: Contested Villa
The True Son of the Wolf . . . Westmarch Heights . . . . . Dungeon: Clyfton Hall
Noble Deaths* . . . . . . . . . . . . .Westmarch Commons . . . Dungeon: Wynton Courtyard
Posted by Member Bort on 4/23/14 06:30 AM #2
Posts: 551

Achievement: Tomb Wader and Grave Crashers
Cryptology . . . . . . . . . . . . . Briarthorn Cemetery
Penny for your Troubles*. . Briarthorn Cemetery
Altar of Sadness*. . . . . . . . . Briarthorn Cemetery
Grave Robert*. . . . . . . . . . . Briarthorn Cemetery
Grave Situation*. . . . . . . . . Briarthorn Cemetery

Achievement: The Bog Slog and Swamp Rats
The Lord of the Hill* . . . . . . . . . .Paths of the Drowned
Research Problems . . . . . . . . . .Paths of the Drowned
The Bogan Haul . . . . . . . . . . . . .Paths of the Drowned . . . Dungeon: Bogan Warren
Lost and Forgotten . . . . . . . . . . Paths of the Drowned . . . Dungeon: Winding Cave
Lost Treasure of the Nephalem . Paths of the Drowned . . . Dungeon: Passage to Corvus (True)
The Golden Chamber . . . . . . . . Paths of the Drowned . . . Dungeon: Ruins of Corvus
Lord of Fools* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paths of the Drowned
The Burning Man* . . . . . . . . . . . Paths of the Drowned
The Brood Mother . . . . . . . . . . . Paths of the Drowned . . . Dungeon: Caverns of Luray, Lvl2
The Hatchery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paths of the Drowned . . . Dungeon: Passage to Corvus (True)
Reliquary of the Nephalem . . . . . Paths of the Drowned . . . Dungeon: Passage to Corvus (Fake)

Achievement: On the Edge of Reality and Disorderly Conduct
The War that Time Forgot . . . .The Crag of Eternity
The Demonic Prisoner . . . . . . Battlefields of Eternity
The Great Weapon . . . . . . . . . Battlefields of Eternity
Lost Host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .The Pandemoinum Fortress 2
Demon Prison . . . . . . . . . . . .The Pandemoinum Fortress 1
Ancient Prison . . . . . . . . . . . .The Pandemoinum Fortress 2
The Crystal Prison . . . . . . . .The Pandemoinum Fortress 2
Demon Souls . . . . . . . . . . . . .The Pandemoinum Fortress 1(Starts with Jamella)
The Time Trap . . . . . . . . . . . . Battlefields of Eternity
A Diversion* . . . . . . . . . . . . Battlefields of Eternity
Resurrection* . . . . . . . . . . . . Battlefields of Eternity Occupied Ruins
Brutal Assault . . . . . . . . . . . . The Pandemoinum Fortress 1
Leap of Faith . . . . . . . . . . . . The Pandemoinum Fortress 1
Out of Time* . . . . . . . . . . . . {Erm, this one I made 2 notes, not certain which one is correct} The Pandemoinum Fortress 2 / Battlefields of Eternity
Judgment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .The Pandemoinum Fortress 1

Ok, I realise that the actual grouping of the events pretty much tells you where to look, and bounties makes it even easier, so this guide is probably not too useful, but maybe it can help someone find that last missing one.

Also, the good people at has also provided some useful lists for pretty much everything. Uniques, events, books, etc.
Posted by Member nuhertz on 4/24/14 09:32 PM #3
Posts: 512

You're my hero as always. I'll be doing these quests shortly as I try to get all my achievements again. Thanks!
Posted by Admin DHAdmin on 4/25/14 02:58 AM #4
Posts: 938

I have been busy with a lot of background work, but I will be using this and your other guide on the official website guide listing soon.

Awesome as always @bort!
Posted by Member Guch on 4/26/14 06:51 AM #5
Posts: 8

I want to add that after doing multiple runs for many many hours... most of the events for the achievement "on the edge of reality" do not show up as bounties.
Posted by Member Bort on 4/26/14 01:11 PM #6
Posts: 551

Tolifer's Last stand is one of the hardest to find events.
It does NOT spawn as a bounty, and is very very rare. This is what you are looking for:
Posted by Member Guch on 4/26/14 05:16 PM #7
Posts: 8

Thanks for the pic, where on the map was it?
Posted by Member Bort on 4/27/14 02:37 AM #8
Posts: 551

Hmm, can't remember exactly, I obviously entered that one from the top right, but more than that I can't remember.

But if you look at my mini-map, the event area is always in that little boxed section.
Posted by Member cjmnews on 5/18/14 09:06 PM #9
Posts: 1

Actually it can appear in Adventure mode too.

After a week of farming in campaign mode, seeing the area 3 times without the event, I switched to Adventure mode and found the area with the event.

It is always on a top to bottom street with the medians in the middle. I have always seen it on the left side. There is no fixed position, but I tend to find it more at the top of the map than the bottom.
Posted by Member Bort on 5/30/14 11:15 AM #10
Posts: 551

I never said it doesn't spawn in Adventure mode. I said it doesn't spawn as a bounty, which is still true.

But @cjmnews is correct. It can be found in Adventure and Campaign mode.
Posted by Member Xerx on 12/10/15 08:06 AM #11
Posts: 1

Great guide, just wanted to point out that;

The War that Time Forgot . . . .The Crag of Eternity <-- Is in "Battlefields of Eternity" and can only be completed in campaign mode (start at Siege runes / Abandoned Siege Camp) (for coop at least.)
Posted by Member wolf on 1/11/17 01:22 AM #12
Posts: 1

Several of the entries could use asterisks, as I can confirm that I found them as bounties:

The Golden Chamber . . . . . . . . Paths of the Drowned . . . Dungeon: Ruins of Corvus (add star)
Brutal Assault . . . . . . . . . . . . The Pandemoinum Fortress 1
Leap of Faith . . . . . . . . . . . . The Pandemoinum Fortress 1
Demon Prison . . . . . . . . . . . .The Pandemoinum Fortress 1
The Hatchery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paths of the Drowned . . . Dungeon: Passage to Corvus (True)

As for Hide and Seek, haven't found it as a bounty once...

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7 users posted in this thread: Bort, cjmnews, DHAdmin, Guch, nuhertz, wolf, Xerx

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