Fiery Brimstone Jumps following patch preview

Posted by Member Khan on 8/10/12 12:21 PM #1
Posts: 1195

As of this writing, its at 280k per item. Yesterday it averaged at 150k. Looks like a lot of people are counting on legendary crafting to be the money maker.
Posted by Admin DHAdmin on 8/10/12 03:27 PM #2
Posts: 938

It's not at all an unexpected price increase I am just surprised at how early the prices have began to rise. Luckily I already have all the crafting materials for the legendary items I am giving out with the contest. Also the fact 1.0.4 is targeted for the end of this month has made me think I might give players the opportunity to wait for the legendary buff before I craft their prizes.
Posted by Member ecoli on 8/10/12 04:03 PM #3
Posts: 4

I'm surprised by how fast and how much brimstones rose in the span of less than a day. I feel like it's more of a burst from hype though, so I'm going to sell mine now. I doubt it'll go much higher than 300k, but we'll see..
Posted by Member Khan on 8/10/12 04:03 PM #4
Posts: 1195

Yeah, luckily I thought about this increase a few days ago and bought 500 just in case. Now to either sell at profit or wait and create legendaries...

I think you should give the winners an option to wait after the patch. The decision is essentially between 1) items and abilities that can be seen on any given day on the AH or 2) an absolute surprise that is, theoretically, better than the status quo.
Posted by Member Khan on 8/10/12 04:48 PM #5
Posts: 1195

Posted by ecoli at 08/10/2012 04:03 PM

I feel like it's more of a burst from hype though, so I'm going to sell mine now. I doubt it'll go much higher than 300k, but we'll see..

I think you should hold on to those...
Posted by Member Khan on 8/10/12 04:50 PM #6
Posts: 1195

Apologies for the bad shot. Here's the gist:

"Posted by mcstew
Is this 4-fold increase being applied to Legendaries as well?

Negative, it only affects Magic items and Rare items (apologies for the confusion)."
Posted by Admin DHAdmin on 8/10/12 05:13 PM #7
Posts: 938

I didn't think it would effect legendaries as they wan't them to be pretty rare still - however I really love the increase to magic and rare items, I got into the habit of skipping trash monsters and only killing elites. Will be fun to do full clears again.
Posted by Member kitty04 on 8/10/12 08:08 PM #8
Posts: 6

agree about the skipping of white mobs. i got some legendaries that are weak, should i salvage them?
Posted by Admin DHAdmin on 8/10/12 08:14 PM #9
Posts: 938

@kitty04, yeah for sure.
Posted by Member SaintSnuff on 8/10/12 08:23 PM #10
Posts: 37

I wouldn't salvage all of the legendaries - low-level ones may not get you worthwhile crafting materials. You may be better off vendoring them or trying to sell them for a quick buck on the AH.

I do know I recently salvaged the crappy Immortal King's Helm I've had for a bit that's gone unsold.
Posted by Admin DHAdmin on 8/10/12 08:44 PM #11
Posts: 938

@SaintSnuff yes I should have said that, level 61+ legendaries are the ones worth salvaging. (If the stats suck)

Anyway, Venomhusk and Earthshatterer have gone up in price quite a bit today. Other items have gone up in asking price but so far not many people have paid the outrageous prices people are listing for. Hence the average trading on a few plans are still in line with how they have been for the last little while. I feel like the hype on patch 1.0.4 and the forthcoming blog that will go indepth about legendary buffs, will cause almost every legendary plan to raise in price by a lot.
Posted by Member SaintSnuff on 8/10/12 10:14 PM #12
Posts: 37

I was lucky and got my plan purchases in right after the blog was posted - thankfully it was as I was getting set for work and had a few moments to get on the servers

I also bought some of the Exalted Grand _______ weapon plans, since iLvl 62 weapons are getting a buff - noticed those have gone up greatly as well

Not sure if I will use them for crafting (should have bought 2) or just sell them to make a quick buck - but I have to decide quick while its still hot
Posted by Member Khan on 8/10/12 10:48 PM #13
Posts: 1195

Personally, I forsee the legendary market expanding with inflationary pressures hitting legendaries across the board, not just high end items like Skull Grasp. I believe there is enough plan penetration for all levels on the food chain so that obtaining as many plans as possible would likely yield substantial profit. The only barrier would be the AH listing caps at 10 for each market. Material prices are not a big deal as you can pass the cost to the consumer or just hold a "bring your own mat" party. I've personally been able to bypass this by slinging my wares drug dealer style in public games. If I had an extra set of plans, I would personally try to sell high to get some extra capital and take advantage of panic buying.
Posted by Admin DHAdmin on 8/10/12 11:00 PM #14
Posts: 938

I was thinking of doing "Bring your own material" crafting streams, as I have every legendary plan in the game. Could make some extra gold charging a small tip or something.
Posted by Member SaintSnuff on 8/11/12 12:54 PM #15
Posts: 37

Posted by DHAdmin at 08/10/2012 11:00 PM

I was thinking of doing "Bring your own material" crafting streams, as I have every legendary plan in the game. Could make some extra gold charging a small tip or something.

Post 1.04 launch that may be profitable...right now people only really want Helm of Command, Sage's Set and the Blackbone quiver to be crafted -- really only worthwhile ones

But who knows after - and perhaps they will add new plans
Posted by Member Undertaker on 8/12/12 05:43 PM #16
Posts: 103

Posted by DHAdmin at 08/10/2012 11:00 PM

I was thinking of doing "Bring your own material" crafting streams, as I have every legendary plan in the game. Could make some extra gold charging a small tip or something.

That would be a good deal as long as your tip is not too large however i think you should only decide on the tip price after doing a few crafts and seeing how they go.
If the buff is what im hoping for i know i would tip a fair amount to get what i wanted crafted.
Posted by Member maratu on 8/14/12 05:48 PM #17
Posts: 2

Some random dude gave me a few ilvl60 legendaries the other day, some random crap, and I had no idea what to do with them. I ended up finding out about how the brimstones worked and made like 200k. Then suddenly the patch preview came up and the prices skyrocketed and now I basically shorted myself QQ
Posted by Member dengerus on 8/14/12 05:55 PM #18
Posts: 2

i sold my brimstones for 240k each =D
Posted by Member cowpow on 8/14/12 06:20 PM #19
Posts: 1

I bought 100 brims and got scammed Q.Q
Posted by Member Khan on 8/14/12 06:28 PM #20
Posts: 1195

@cowpow How'd you get scammed?
Posted by Member ecoli on 8/14/12 09:40 PM #21
Posts: 4

Posted by ecoli at 08/10/2012 04:03 PM

I'm surprised by how fast and how much brimstones rose in the span of less than a day. I feel like it's more of a burst from hype though, so I'm going to sell mine now. I doubt it'll go much higher than 300k, but we'll see..
haha wow, i was wrong. new blog and youtube video, brimstones up to 450k right now
Posted by Member gnawol on 8/15/12 08:34 AM #22
Posts: 349

I sold mine at the peak of 440K per brimstone today :O I kind of regret it but who knows, i guess that well earned money can be used to buy legendaries or some better MF gear now :-)
Posted by Member CB33 on 8/15/12 02:11 PM #23
Posts: 1

I think the price has not peaked yet. It will get higher as the patch gets closer

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