Elite Monster Achievement Hunting Guide

by DHAdmin on April 11th, 2013 at 4:33 pm

This is a community written guide by DiabloHub member Bort. If you want your own guide or article spotlighted simply post it on the forums or send me a message directly. However not every community written piece will be accepted.

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The Basics

This guide covers all the Champion, Rare and Unique monsters in the game that are required to unlock certain achievements. There are some monsters in the game that are not included in these achievements. This guide does not cover those monsters.

Types of Monsters

Champions, Rares and Uniques are special monsters that have abilities that make them stronger than regular monsters. For a list of affixes these monsters can spawn with, refer to this guide.


Rare Pack

Rares - Yellow Name
  • Rare monsters are much stronger than a single champion and are followed by three to four minions which are weaker than the Rare itself.
  • Rares can spawn with any trait aside from Fire Chains, Health Link and Avenger.
  • Minions can not have the traits Horde or Missile Dampening.
  • On Normal difficulty they only have 1 trait.
  • On Nightmare they have 2 traits.
  • On Hell they have 3 traits.
  • On Inferno they have 4 traits.

Champion Pack

Champions - Blue Name
  • They come in packs of 3 to 4 monsters.
  • Champions can spawn with any trait aside from Minions, Horde and Missile Dampening.
  • On Normal difficulty they have 1 trait.
  • On Nightmare they have 2 traits.
  • On Hell they have 3 traits.
  • On Inferno they have 4 traits.

Unique Monster

Unique - Purple Name
  • They have a random combination of affixes.
  • They are single monsters and do not come in pairs or groups like the others do.

The Achievements

There are 12 Achievements covered here. Two of them are Hardcore, and the rest Softcore. The Softcore ones you will find under the Challenges tab of your Achievement page. The Softcore Achievements are progressive, which means you will see the next one on the list as soon as you finish the requirements of the previous. For example, you will see “The Takedown” until you kill 10 different champions. Once you have completed “The Takedown”, you will see “Not So Tough Now” until you kill 50 different champions.

Achievement List

Achievement Name Type Requirements
Trophy Hunting Hardcore Rares Kill all Rare types on the list
We are the Champions Hardcore Champions Kill all Champion types on the list
The Takedown Softcore Champions Kill 10 Champion types on the list
Not So Tough Now Softcore Champions Kill 50 Champion types on the list
Champion’s Collection Softcore Champions Kill all Champion types on the list
Keep it Rare Softcore Rares Kill 10 Rare types on the list
Rarin’ to Go Softcore Rares Kill 50 Rare types on the list
A Rare Phenomenon Softcore Rares Kill all Rare types on the list
Never Seen that Before Softcore Uniques Kill 1 Uniques on the list
Special Snowflakes Softcore Uniques Kill 15 Uniques on the list
A Unique Collection Softcore Uniques Kill all the Uniques on the list

Advice & Tips

  • If you plan to complete all Achievements in Diablo 3, it is best to finish the non-monster related ones first. This is because you are likely to run into these monsters while completing other Achievements. For example, if you complete the Achievement to get 10 different characters to level 60, you will be passing through most game areas at least 3 times (4 if you do inferno) with each character.
  • If you find any Rares or Champions while playing Hardcore it will be ticked off both the Hardcore and the Softcore list.
  • Elites can spawn in any difficulty, so there is no need to risk your Hardcore character playing Inferno.
  • You can be on any quest while hunting for Elites, so you might as well load the last quest for the act so that you have access to all areas.
  • Some Champions/Rares spawn in multiple different areas, and some only in a specific one.
  • Uniques spawn in a single area/dungeon only.
  • Most of the Elites will be ticked off by simply playing through the general game areas, but for some you need to find a specific dungeon. These dungeons are random spawns as well, so be patient. Certain Rares or Champions may take up to 30-50 reloads of the same area. Uniques may take over 300 reloads of the same area, so a lot of time and patience will be required.
  • Get a couple of friends to help while doing the Uniques, with each one reloading the area on their own. Then if anyone finds the Rare/Champ/Unique you are looking for, everyone can join his/her game and all can get credit. You don’t need the killing blow to get credit. Check the forums for other people doing the same Achievements.
  • Some of the ghosts in the Haunted list are also on the Unique Collection list, so you might as well tackle these two at the same time.
  • It is possible for a Champion and Rare of the same type to spawn in the same area in a single instance. If you are hunting the one and the other appears, you don’t have to immediately restart.

Monster Oddities

  • The Rare monster name type is not displayed. Instead they are given unique names. Note: some of the Rares have a different type minion. For example, a Fallen Prophet Rare has Fallen Grunt minions. But it is also possible to get a Fallen Grunt rare, which has Fallen Grunt minions.
  • There is not always a correlation between where the normal monster spawns and where the Rare and Champion versions spawn. Don’t assume that you will eventually find a Rare in an area simply because you see monsters of the correct type there. For example, Demonic Tremors (Normal and Rare) are all over the place in Act 3, but the Champion version is limited to a single dungeon called Fortified Bunker.
  • The Storm Halls in Act 2 can spawn with Skeletons and Constructs OR Fallen. So if you are hunting the Fallen Cur Rare pack you need to get the “Fallen” version of the dungeon. You won’t find them in the “Skeletons” version.
  • Some Rares are difficult to find even though their Champion version spawns almost every game. Finding a Fallen Rare can be quite hard, even though finding Normal and Champion versions is rather simple.
  • The Ghosts you can get credit for by simply hitting them, while the Rare, Champions and Uniques you have to kill to get credit.
  • The Hardcore and Softcore lists are mostly the same. There are only a few instances where a monster is required for one list and not the other.
  • The Rare and Champion lists are NOT the same. For some monsters, even though the Rare type exists, it is not required for the list. This is equally true for Champions.

There are three different unique types.

  • Some are always at a certain place along the storyline, and are main quest monsters, such as Mira Eamon, the Blacksmith’s wife.
  • Some spawn after a trigger or event occurs and are side quests.
  • Some spawn very rarely in a specific area, and counts towards the achievement. This guide only focuses on this last type.

It is important to note that even though some monster types have several Uniques, only one will count for the achievement. For example, Taros the Wild and Saha the Slasher are the same monster type, and they spawn in the same area (Howling Plateau), but only Saha the Slasher will count towards the achievement.

Champion Monster Locations

Act 1 Champions

Monster Type LocationsExtra Information
Carrion Bat Cathedral 2, Cathedral 4, Defiled Crypt, Den of the Fallen Found in the correct one of the 3 random Defiled Crypts.
Dark Berserker Halls of Agony 2 & 3 -
Dark Hellion Halls of Agony 1, Leoric's Hunting Grounds, The Lyceum -
Disentombed Hulk Halls of Agony 1 & 2 -
Horned Charger Leoric's Hunting Grounds, Defiled Crypt Found in the wrong one of the 3 random Defiled Crypts.
Hungry Corpse Defiled Crypt (fake one), Weeping Hollow Found in the wrong one of the 3 random Defiled Crypts.
Imp Defiled Crypt Found in every type of the Crypt.
Quill Demon Scavenger's Den This is a dungeon found in the Fields of Misery.
Ravenous Dead Cathedral 1, Defiled Crypt Found in every type of the Crypt.
Returned Executioner The Cursed Hold -
Savage Fiend The Cursed Hold -
Skeletal Archer Cathedral 4 -
Spiderling Caverns of Araneae -
Unholy Thrall Halls of Agony 1 & 3 -

Act 2 Champions

Monster Type LocationsExtra Information
Accursed Desolate Sands, Eastern & Western Channel -
Bone Warrior Sewers of Caldeum -
Brood Hatchling Cave of the Betrayer, Storm Halls, Vile Cavern -
Chilling Construct The Unknown Depths -
Deathly Haunt Mysterious Cave This cave spawns randomly in the Dahlgur Oasis.
Fallen Black Canyon Mines, Howling Plataeu -
Fallen Conjurer Dahlgur Oasis -
Fallen Cur Storm Halls -
Fallen Overseer Black Canyon Mines -
Fallen Peon Dahlgur Oasis -
Grim Wraith Realm of Shadow -
Lacuni Huntress Crumbling Vault, Howling Plataeu, Tunnels of the Rockworm -
Lacuni Slasher Desolate Sands -
Noxious Guardian Sewers of Caldeum -
Reaper Cave of Burrowing Horror The entrance is found after killing Shaitan in the Desolate Sands.
Rock Giant The Unknown Depths -
Sand Behemoth Realm of Shadow -
Sand Wasp Black Canyon Mine, Howling Plataeu -
Savage Flyer Ancient Cave, Flooded Cave Both dungeons are found in Dahlgur Oasis.
Shock Guardian Forgotten Ruins, Mysterious Cave Both dungeons are found in Dahlgur Oasis.
Skeletal Raider Storm Halls, Unknown Depths -
Skeletal Ranger Sewers of Caldeum, Mysterious Cave Mysterious Cave is a rare dungeon in Dahlgur Oasis.
Spine Hewer Forgotton Ruins, -
Vicous Ghoul Sirocco Caverns, Vile Cavern -
Vile Swarm Ancient Cave, Cave of the Betrayer, Desolate Sands, Vile Cavern -
Webspitter Spider Cave of the Betrayer, Vile Cavern -
Writhing Deceiver Dahlgur Oasis, Sewers of Caldeum, The Ruins -

Act 3 Champions

Monster Type LocationsExtra Information
Blood Clan Impaler Arreat Crater 2, Tower of the Cursed 1 & 2 -
Blood Clan Mauler Tower of the Cursed 1 & 2 -
Blood Clan Occultist Arreat Crater 2, Tower of the Cursed 2 -
Blood Clan Sorcerer Rakkis Crossing -
Blood Clan Warrior Fields of Slaughter, The Battlefields -
Dark Skeletal Bowman Battlefield Stores, The Keep Depths 1, 2 & 3 -
Demon Trooper The Keep Depths 1 -
Demonic Hellflyer Skycrown Battlements, Stonefort, The Battlefields -
Demonic Tremor Fortified Bunker -
Fallen Grunt Skycrown Battlements, Stonefort -
Fallen Hellhound Rakkis Crossing, Tower of the Damned 1 -
Fallen Mongrel Skycrown Battlements, Stonefort -
Fallen Overlord Skycrown Battlements, Stonefort -
Fallen Slavelord Tower of the Damned 1 -
Fallen Soldier Arreat Crater 1, Rakkis Crossing -
Herald of Pestilence Arreat Creater 1, Fields of Slaughter, The Battlefields -
Hulking Phasebeast Core of Arreat, Heart of the Damned, Tower of the Damned 2 -
Icy Quillback Caverns of Frost, Cryder’s Outpost, The Keep Depths 2 & 3 -
Plague Swarm Cryders Outpost -
Skeletal Marauder Battlefield Stores Randomly spawns in The battlefields
Skull Cleaver Battlefield Stores Randomly spawns in The battlefields
Soul Ripper Battlefield Stores Randomly spawns in The battlefields
Stygian Crawler Arreat Crater 1 & 2, Core of Arreat, Tower of the Damned 1 & 2 -
Succubus Core of Arreat, Foundry -
Wintersbane Huntress Caverns of Frost -

Act 4 Champions

Monster Type LocationsExtra Information
Armored Destroyer Gardens of Hope 1 -
Darksky Fire Demon Gardens of Hope 2 -
Enslaved Nightmare The Silver Spire 2 -
Mallot Lord The Silver Spire 2 -
Morlu Incinerator The Silver Spire 1 & 2 -
Morlu Legionaire The Silver Spire 1 -
Subjugator Gardens of Hope 1 -

Rare Monster Locations

Act 1 Rares

Monster Type LocationsExtra Information
Arachnid Horror Caverns of Araneae -
Dark Berserker Halls of Agony 3 -
Dark Cultist Leoric's Manor, Leoric's Manor Courtyard, Halls of Agony 1 -
Disentombed Hulk Halls of Agony 1 -
Enraged Phantom Decaying Crypt Random dungeon in Fields of Misery.
Harvester Cathedral 4 -
Hungry Corpse Defiled Crypt, Weeping Hollow -
Imp Defiled Crypt Same map as Jar of Souls.
Quill Demon Scavenger's Den This is a dungeon found in the Fields of Misery.
Ravenous Dead Defiled Crypt, Weeping Hollow Can be found in either Defiled Crypt.
Retching Cadaver Weeping Hollow Found in wrong Defiled Crypt.
Returned Archer Warrior’s Rest -
Savage Beast Southern Highlands, Fields of Misery -
Savage Fiend The Cursed Hold -
Scavenger Weeping Hollow -
Skeletal Archer Cathedral 4 -
Skeleton Cathedral 4, Cemetary of the Forsaken -
Unholy Thrall Halls of Agony 3 -

Act 2 Rares

Monster Type LocationsExtra Information
Accursed Desolate Sands, Western Channel -
Ancient Walker Desolate Sands -
Betrayed Tomb of Khan Dakab -
Bone Warrior Forgotton Ruins, Sewers of Caldeum -
Brood Hatchling Cave of the Betrayer -
Cave Wing Sirocco Caverns -
Charged Construct Storm Halls -
Desiccated Imp Desolate Sands -
Dune Dervish Dahlgur Oasis -
Dust Imp The Ruins -
Fallen Howling Plataeu, Stinging Winds -
Fallen Conjurer Dahlgur Oasis -
Fallen Peon Dahlgur Oasis -
Fallen Cur Storm Halls -
Fallen Overseer Stinging Winds -
Frenzied Hellion Alcarnus -
Lacuni Huntress Howling Plataeu -
Lacuni Slasher Desolate Sands -
Lacuni Stalker Desolate Sands -
Murderous Fiend Cave of the Betrayer, Cave of Burrowing Horror, Eastern Channel, Vile Cavern -
Noxious Guardian Mysterious Cave, Sewers of Caldeum Mysterious Cave can randomly spawn in Dahlgur Oasis.
Brood Hatchling Cave of the Betrayer, Storm Halls, Vile Cavern -
Chilling Construct Unknown Depths -
Deathly Haunt Mysterious Cave Mysterious Cave can randomly spawn in Dahlgur Oasis.
Fallen Black Canyon Mines, Howling Plataeu -
Fallen Conjurer Dahlgur Oasis -
Fallen Cur Storm Halls -
Fallen Overseer Black Canyon Mines -
Grim Wraith Realm of Shadow -
Lacuni Huntress Crumbling Vault, Howling Plataeu, Tunnels of the Rockworm -
Lacuni Slasher Desolate Sands -
Noxious Guardian Sewers of Caldeum -
Reaper Cave of Burrowing Horror The entrance is found after killing Shaitan in the Desolate Sands.
Sand Behemoth Realm of Shadow -
Sand Dweller Forgotten ruins -
Savage Flyer Ancient Cave, Flooded Cave -
Serpent Magus Eastern Channel Cave, Dahlgur Oasis -
Writhing Deceiver Magus Eastern Channel Cave, Dahlgur Oasis -
Skeletal Raider Storm Halls, Unknown Depths -
Skeletal Ranger Mysterious Cave, Sewers of Caldeum -
Spine Hewer Forgotton Ruins -
Spine Ranger Sewers of Caldeum -
Skeletal Sentry Forgotten Ruins -
Smoldering Construct Unknown Depths -
Spine Hewer Forgotten Ruins -
Vicous Ghoul Sirocco Caverns -
Webspitter Spider Cave of the Betrayer, Vile Cavern -
Writhing Deceiver Dahlgur Oasis, Sewers of Caldeum, The Ruins -

Act 3 Rares

Monster Type LocationsExtra Information
Blood Clan Occultist Tower of the Cursed 2 -
Blood Clan Mauler Tower of the Cursed 2 -
Blood Clan Warrior Fields of Slaughter, Rakkis Crossing, The Battlefields -
Colossal Golgor Stonefort -
Demon Trooper Skycrown Battlements, Stonefort -
Demonic Tremor Fields of Slaughter, The Battlefields, The Keep Depths 3 -
Fallen Grunt Skycrown Battlements, Stonefort -
Fallen Hellhound Rakkis Crossing, Bridge Stones Bridge Stores
Fallen Prophet Stonefort -
Fallen Slavelord Bridge Stores This area is a random spawn in Rakkis Crossing.
Fallen Soldier Arreat Crater, Tower of the Damned 1, Bridge Stores -
Herald of Pestilence Arreat Crater 2, Fields of Slaughter -
Hulking Phasebeast Heart of the Damned, Tower of the Damned 2 -
Maniacal Golgor Core of Arreat -
Skeletal Marauder Battefield Stores This area is a random spawn in Rakkis Crossing.
Skull Cleaver Battefield Stores This area is a random spawn in Rakkis Crossing.
Skull Sword Battefield Stores This area is a random spawn in Rakkis Crossing.
Soul Ripper The Keep Depths 1 & 2 -
Stygian Crawler Arreat Crater 1, Core of Arreat -
Succubus Core of Arreat -
Wintersbane Huntress Caverns of Frost -

Act 4 Rares

Monster Type LocationsExtra Information
Armaddon Sacellum of Virtue -
Armored Destroyer Gardens of Hope 1, The Silver Spire 2 -
Darksky Fire Demon Gardens of Hope 2 -
Enslaved Nightmare The Silver Spire 2 -
Mallot Lord The Silver Spire 1 -
Morlu Incinerator The Silver Spire 2 -
Morlu Legionaire The Silver Spire 1 & 2 -
Subjugator Gardens of Hope 1 -


Monster Name Act LocationsExtra Information
Ashek 2 Black Canyon Mines -
Axegrave the Executioner 3 The Keep Depths Level 2 -
Axgore the Cleaver 3 Core of Arreat -
Bashface the Truncheon 3 Stonefort -
Belagg Pierceflesh 3 The Keep Depths Level 3 -
Bellybloat the Scarred 1 Cathedral Level 4 -
Beyatt 2 Stinging Winds - Lost Caravan -
Blarg the Foul 3 Bridge of Korsikk -
Blarg the Imp 2 Desolate Sands -
Bloodfeather 2 Desolate Sands -
Captain Cage 1 Cathedral Level 4 -
Captain Dale 3 The Keep Depths Level 1 -
Charuch the Spear 3 Arreat Crater Level 2 -
Chiltara 3 Caverns of Frost Level 2 Random spawn dungeon in Fields of Slaughter.
Cudgelarm 1 Cathedral Level 2 -
Dataminer 1 Defiled Crypt Found in the wrong Defiled Crypt.
Demonika the Wicked 3 Tower of the Damned Level 1 -
Direclaw the Demonflyer 3 Rakkis Crossing -
Dreadclaw the Leaper 1 Fields of Misery -
Dreadgrasp 3 The Battlefields -
Drury Brown 1 Defiled Crypt Ebenezer Samuel
Ebenezer Samuel 1 Old Tristram Road -
Fecklar's Ghost 1 The Festering Woods -
Firestarter 1 Cathedral Level 2 -
Gart the Mad 2 Howling Plateau -
Gholash 3 Tower of the Damned Level 1 -
Gormungandr 3 Arreat Crater Level 1 -
Gorog the Bruiser 3 Core of Arreat -
Grimnight the Soulless 3 The Silver Spire Level 2 -
Gugyn the Gauntlet 3 The Keep Depths Level 3 -
Haures 4 Silver Spire Level 2 -
Haxxor 3 Tower of the Cursed Level 2 -
Hazzor the Viper 2 Sewers of Caldeum -
Hellscream 2 Unknown Depths -
High Cultist Murdos 2 Alcarnus -
Hyrug the Malformed 3 Tower of the Cursed Level 1 -
Jezeb the Conjuror 1 Leoric's Manor -
John Gorham Coffin 1 Defiled Crypt Only appears in the correct Defiled Crypt.
Khatun 4 Gardens of Hope 1st Tier -
Kysindra the Wretched 4 Silver Spire Level 1 -
Logrut the Warrior 1 Highlands Crossing -
Lorzak the Powerful 1 Southern Highlands -
Lucious the Depraved 1 Cemetery of the Forsaken -
Lummock the Brute 3 Rakkis Crossing -
Mage Lord Caustus 2 The Storm Halls -
Mage Lord Flaydren 2 The Unknown Depths -
Mage Lord Ghuyan 2 The Storm Halls -
Mage Lord Skomara 2 The Storm Halls -
Mange 1 Weeping Hollow -
Marchocyas 3 Skycrown Battlements -
Mehshak the Abomination 3 The Battlefields -
Merrium Skullthorn 1 Cathedral Level 2 -
Otzi the Cursed 2 Western Channel -
Pyres the Damned 4 Silver Spire Level 1 -
Qurash the Reviled 1 Caverns of Araneae -
Ragus Grimlow 1 Cathedral Level 1 -
Raiha the Vicious 2 Desolate Sands -
Rathlin the Widowmaker 1 Caverns of Araneae -
Razormouth 2 Black Canyon Mines -
Red Rock 1 Southern Highlands -
Rhau'Kye 4 Silver Spire Level 2 -
Riplash 3 Tower of the Damned Level 2 -
Saha the Slasher 2 Howling Plateau -
Sammash 2 Alcarnus -
Sao'Thall 4 Silver Spire Level 2 -
Sarella the Vile 1 Leoric's Manor Courtyard -
Severclaw 3 Arreat Crater Level 1 -
Shandra'Har 3 Rakkis Crossing -
Shondar the Invoker 2 Alcarnus -
Slarg the Behemoth 4 Silver Spire Level 1 -
Stinging Death Swarm 2 Western Channel -
The Archivist 2 Unknown Depths -
The Crusher 3 The Keep Depths Level 2 -
The Tomekeeper 2 Realm of Shadow -
Thornback 3 The Keep Depths Level 3 -
Thrum 2 Realm of Shadow -
Torchlighter 4 Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier -
Torsar 2 Dahlgur Oasis -
Venimite 1 Caverns of Araneae -
Veshan the Fierce 4 Gardens of Hope 1st Tier -
Vicious Gray Turkey 3 The Keep Depths Level 3 -
Yakara 2 Eastern Channel -
Yeth 2 Road to Alcarnus -
Zhelobb the Venomous 1 Caverns of Araneae -

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