This is my first post on the website, so hi everyone!
I am currently getting over a really nasty flu and hopefully I will feel normal in the next day or two. Unfortunately this flu made me miss a giant party I was suppose to go too. Which when I think about it actually might be for the best, since I have no idea how they plan on having 250+ (Currently 289 people confirmed as going on facebook) people at a house party without things going horribly. Apparently they were inspired by the movie "Project X" and well I am only dissapointed that I will miss out on the complete and utter mess it will be.
What else... My roommate got me a pre-order of the Collectors Edition, which is awesome since I was having a lot of trouble finding any place in my town that was taking anymore. I know what you are thinking, I dropped the ball and should have pre-ordered a while ago! In my defense I am just so accustomed to Collector and Limited editions not being rare at all, I can't count the times I have gone into Best Buy and saw Limited Editions in the store months after release.
That's about all that's worth mentioning. I plan on playing some Starcraft 2 tonight and hopefully hitting Diamond as Zerg. On the topic of D3RMT itself, the website is progressing nicely and should be ready for public viewing in about a month.
Bye for now