Diablo 4 Season of Blood Updates for Class Balance

by DHAdmin on November 17th, 2023 at 3:59 am

Class Balance Updates

header of season of blood hunt

It sounds like the developers of Diablo 4 are focused on enhancing the itemization and build diversity for each class in the upcoming Season of Blood. Here are some key points based on the information you provided:

Itemization Diversity: The developers aim to increase the diversity in itemization, making it more interesting for players to find items with ideal stats for their builds. This suggests that there will be more options for players to customize their characters based on specific stats.

Scaling with Stats: Classes will now have various ways to scale with specific stats through the use of Key Passives and Paragon. The example given is the Barbarian's Hemorrhage Legendary Paragon Node, which multiplicatively increases Bleeding damage based on the Damage to Vulnerable Enemies stat. This encourages players to consider different stats for their builds.

Skill and Power Improvements: The developers are working on improving underused skills, Legendary Aspects, and powers for each class. This indicates a desire to balance the effectiveness of different abilities, making a wider range of skills viable for players.

Paragon Glyph Rework: There is a focus on reworking Paragon Glyphs for the Sorcerer and Necromancer classes. This could involve redesigning or rebalancing certain glyphs to ensure that they have appropriate places on the Paragon Boards, allowing players to make better use of these glyphs in their builds.

Addressing Pressing Issues: The developers are actively addressing pressing issues within the game. This could include fixing bugs, addressing imbalances, or responding to player feedback to create a more polished and enjoyable gaming experience.

Overall, these changes seem geared towards enriching the gameplay experience, promoting build diversity, and ensuring that various skills and stats are viable choices for players. Players can look forward to experimenting with different builds and strategies in the pursuit of the perfect character setup during the Season of Blood in Diablo 4.

barbarian logo and character himself

Diablo 4 Season of Blood Barbarian Updates

Skills Updates

  1. Berserking Bonus Damage:
    • The bonus damage granted while Berserking is active is now multiplicative instead of additive.
  2. Enhanced Bash:
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
  3. Upheaval:
    • Damage increased from 0.7 to 0.77.
  4. Furious Upheaval:
    • Bonus damage per stack increased from 5% to 12%.
    • Maximum number of stacks reduced from 10 to 6.
  5. Strategic Rallying Cry:
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
  6. Strategic Iron Skin:
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
  7. Mighty War Cry:
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
  8. Supreme Wrath of the Berserker:
    • Maximum damage bonus is now x100% bonus damage.
  9. Enhanced Rupture:
    • Additional functionality: This damage is increased by x10% for each 50 Strength you have.
  10. Warrior’s Rupture:
    • Attack Speed increased from 30% to 40%.
screenshot of barbarian game

Passives Updates

  1. Endless Fury:
    • Fury gain increased from 5/10/15% to 7/14/21%.
  2. Imposing Presence:
    • Maximum life amount increased from 5/10/15% to 6/12/18%.
  3. Martial Vigor:
    • Damage Reduction against Elites increased from 3/6/9% to 4/8/12%.
  4. Thick Skin:
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
    These changes indicate adjustments to the Barbarian's passive abilities, enhancing their effectiveness and potentially providing players with more diverse and powerful build options. The increased Fury gain for Endless Fury and the higher Maximum life amount for Imposing Presence could make Barbarians more resilient and formidable in combat. The boost to Damage Reduction against Elites in Martial Vigor further emphasizes the Barbarian's strength in facing tougher opponents. Additionally, the modification to Thick Skin aligns with the overall shift towards Maximum life for fortify-related calculations. Players may need to reconsider their passive choices and playstyles with these updates

Legendary Aspects Updates

  1. Of Ancestral Force:
    • Previous: Hammer of the Ancients quakes outwards, dealing 32-50% of its damage to enemies.
    • New: Hammer of the Ancients quakes outward, and its damage is increased by 5-15%.
    • Developer’s Note: Instead of containing a separate source of damage, this aspect now directly increases the total damage and Area of Effect of Hammer of the Ancients.
  2. Earthstriker’s Aspect:
    • Weapon Swap requirement for Overpower attack reduced from 10 to 8.
    • Adjusted functionality: Overpower proc now happens on your next non-Basic Attack.
    These changes aim to enhance the effectiveness and usability of these Legendary Aspects for Barbarians in the Season of Blood. The adjustments to Of Ancestral Force make it more straightforward in its damage increase and area of effect for Hammer of the Ancients. Meanwhile, Earthstriker’s Aspect changes the weapon swap requirement and modifies the functionality of the Overpower attack, likely providing Barbarians with more flexibility and control in their combat tactics. Players will need to consider these updates when choosing and optimizing their Legendary Aspects for their Barbarian builds.
    Unique Items Updates
  3. Ramaladni’s Magnum Opus:
    • Damage to Vulnerable Enemies affix replaced with Maximum Fury at 150% of normal value.
    • Damage per Fury increased from 0.1-0.3% to 0.2-0.4%.
  4. Azurewrath:
    • Non-Physical Damage affix increased by 120%.
  5. Hellhammer:
    • Critical Strike Damage affix replaced with Bonus Ranks of Upheaval.
    • Damage to Burning Enemies affix increased by 150%.
  6. Ancient’s Oath:
    • Damage to Slowed Enemies affix replaced with Damage to Close Enemies.
    • Unique Power Adjustment:
    • Previous: Steel Grasp launches 2 additional chains. Enemies hit by Steel Grasp are slowed by 55-65% for 3 seconds.
    • New: Steel Grasp launches 2 additional chains. Enemies that have been pulled by Steel Grasp take x30-x50% bonus damage from you for 3 seconds.
  7. Overkill:
    • Critical Strike Chance Against Injured Enemies affix replaced with Ranks of Death Blow.
  8. Fields of Crimson:
    • Bonus Ranks of Rupture affix replaced with Rupture Cooldown Reduction at 200% of normal value.
  9. Battle Trance:
    • Bonus Ranks of Frenzy affix increased by 100%.
    • Damage Reduction While Injured affix replaced with bonus Maximum Fury.
  10. 100,000 Steps:
    • Dexterity affix increased by 100%.
    • Damage with Skills That Swap to New Weapons affix increased by 50%.
    • Cooldown for free Ground Stomp reduced from 30 to 15 seconds.
  11. Rage of Harrogath:
    • Damage Reduction From Bleeding Enemies affix increased by 15%.
  12. Gohr’s Devastating Grips:
    • Non-Physical Damage affix replaced with Damage.
    • Attack Speed affix replaced with Critical Strike Chance Against Close Enemies. (Improvement for functionality.)
    These updates bring significant changes to the unique items, enhancing their effects and providing more diverse and powerful options for Barbarian players in the Season of Blood. Players will need to consider these changes when deciding on their gear and optimizing their builds.
Druid logo with character picture

Diablo 4 Season of Blood Druid Updates

Here are the Druid updates, including changes to unique items, skills, passives, and legendary aspects in
Unique Items Updates:

  1. Mad Wolf’s Glee:
    • Poison Damage affix replaced with Damage at 140% of normal value.
    • Physical Damage affix replaced with bonus Maximum Life.
  2. Insatiable Fury:
    • Overpower Damage affix increased by 100%.
    • Total Armor while in Werebear Form affix increased by 180%.
  3. Storm’s Companion:
    • Ranks of Wolves affix increased by 66%.
    • Companion Skill Damage affix replaced with bonus Maximum Life.
    • Potion Drop Rate affix replaced with Damage Reduction.
  4. Fleshrender:
    • Damage While Shapeshifted Affix increased by 100%.
    • Damage While Healthy Affix replaced with Core Skill Damage.
    • The damage dealt to Poisoned enemies from Debilitating Roar and Blood Howl is now increased by x10% for each 100 Willpower you have.
  5. Hunter’s Zenith:
    • Damage While Shapeshifted affix increased by 60%.
    • Bonus Ranks of the Quickshift Passive affix increased by 200%.
    • Critical Strike Damage with Wolf Skills affix replaced with Critical Strike Chance.
    • Overpower Damage with Bear Skills affix replaced with Bonus Ranks of the Heightened Senses Passive.
Druid game start screenshot

Skills Updates:

  1. Fierce Earth Spike:
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
  2. Enhanced Maul:
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
  3. Ravens:
    • Passive damage increased from 0.2 to 0.24.
    • Active Damage increased from 1.6 to 2.5.
  4. Enhanced Ravens:
    • Bonus Critical Strike Chance increased from 5% to 8%.
  5. Rabies:
    • Damage increased from 1.1 to 1.4.
    • Spread speed increased by 50%.
  6. Natural Rabies:
    • Spread Speed bonus reduced from 100% to 50%.
  7. Preserving Earthen Bulwark:
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
  8. Enhanced Debilitating Roar:
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
  9. Ferocious Wolf Pack:
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
  10. Trample:
    • Knockback distance reduced by 10%.
  11. Natural Trample:
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
  12. Supreme Grizzly Rage:
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.

    Paragon Updates:
  13. Earthen Devastation:
    • Earth Skills deal 10% increased Critical Strike Damage, increased by 25% of the total amount of your Bonus Damage to Crowd Controlled up to 40%.
  14. Thunderstruck:
    • Storm Skills deal bonus damage equal to 50% of the total amount of your Damage to Close and Damage to Distant bonuses.
    These changes aim to balance and enhance the Druid's gameplay experience in Diablo 4's Season of Blood.
Necromancer logo and the chacarter picture

Necromancer updates for Diablo 4's Season of Blood

Passives Updates:

  1. Ancestral Fortitude:
    • You gain +5/10/15% Resistance to All Elements.
  2. Charged Atmosphere:
    • Interval for Lightning Bolts reduced from 18/15/12 seconds to 14/11/8 seconds.
  3. Electric Shock:
    • Lucky Hit: Chance to Immobilize increased from 5/10/15% to 8/16/24%.
    • Bonus damage to Immobilized enemies increased from 6/12/18% to 7/14/21%.
  4. Safeguard:
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
  5. Thick Hide:
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
  6. Nature’s Resolve:
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
  7. Natural Fortitude:
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
  8. Nature’s Fury:
    • Casting an Earth Skill has a 30% chance to trigger a free Storm Skill of the same category, and vice versa.
  9. Ursine Strength:
    • While Healthy, deal 25% (multiplicative damage) increased damage, and 25% increased Overpower damage.
  10. Lupine Ferocity:
    • The guaranteed Critical Strike’s bonus damage is increased to 140% against Injured enemies.
    Legendary Aspects:
    Aspect of the Rampaging Werebeast:
    • Critical Strike Damage bonus amount now has a maximum of 200%.

Minions Affix Changes:

  1. Minions Inherit Thorns:
    • Skeletal Warriors Inherit Thorns, Skeletal Mages Inherit Thorns, and Golem Inherits Thorns affixes combined into a single Affix: Minions Inherit Thorns.
  2. New Affix: Minions Inherit Critical Strike Chance.
  3. Cooldown Reduction on Shields:
    • Cooldown Reduction can now appear on Shields.
  4. Shields:
    • Shields now have an Armor Value determined by their Item Power.
  5. Blood Orbs:
    • Blood Orbs now also heal your Minions for 15% of your Maximum Life when picked up.
    Skills Updates:
  6. Prime Army of the Dead:
    • Chance to leave behind a Corpse increased from 15% to 100%.
  7. Initiate’s Hemorrhage, Supernatural Blood Surge, Dreadful Blood Mist, Dreadful Bone Prison:
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
  8. Decompose:
    • Time to make a Corpse reduced from 2 to 1.5 seconds.
    Passives Updates:
  9. Death’s Defense:
    • Your Minions gain +4/8/12% Armor and 8/16/24% Resistance to All Elements.
  10. Terror:
    • Now applies to your Shadow damage instead of Darkness skills.
    • First bonus applies to Chilled enemies, and the second bonus applies to Frozen enemies.
  11. Stand Alone:
    • Increases Damage Reduction by 6/12/18% when you have no minions. Each active minion reduces this bonus by 2%.
  12. Drain Vitality, Necrotic Carapace:
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
  13. Rathma’s Vigor:
    • After being Healthy for 12 seconds, your next Blood Skill Overpowers. This timer is reduced by 2 seconds each time Blood Orbs Heal or Overheal you for an amount greater than or equal to your base Life.
  14. Shadowblight:
    • Shadow damage infects enemies with Shadowblight for 2 seconds. Every 10th time an enemy receives Shadow damage from you or your Minions while they are affected by Shadowblight, they take an additional 22% Shadow damage. Shadowblight’s damage is increased by 100% of your Shadow Damage over Time bonus.
  15. Transfusion:
    Lucky Hit: Blood Skills have a 3/6/9% chance on hit to spawn a Blood Orb. This can only occur once every 4 seconds. This chance is doubled against bosses.
  16. Gruesome Mending:
    • Receive 10/20/30%+ more Healing from all sources.
  17. Inspiring Leader:
    • Healthy duration requirement reduced from 4 to 2 seconds.
  18. Ossified Essence:
    • Damage % per Essence past 50 reduced from 1.0% to 0.5%.
  19. Bonded in Essence:
    • Cooldown increased from 5 to 8 seconds.
Necromancer starting game screenshot

Summoned Minions Changes:

  1. Skeletal Warriors - Skirmishers and Defenders:
    • Base damage increased from 0.11 to 0.14.
  2. Golems:
    • Basic attack damage increased by 100%.
    Paragon Changes:
  3. Mage and Warrior Paragon Glyph’s Additional Bonus:
    • Now affect Minions rather than just Skeletal Mages and Skeletal Warriors.
  4. Infused Caster and Flesh-horror Rare Nodes:
    • Now affect Minions' Resistance to All Elements.
  5. Hulking Monstrosity Legendary Node:
    • Golem damage increased from 40% to 100%.
  6. Various +% Minion Armor Increases on Paragon Nodes:
    • Increased values.
  7. Various +% Skeletal Warriors and Golems Armor Increases on Paragon Nodes:
    • Increased values.
  8. Various +% Total Armor while Golems are Active on Paragon Nodes:
    • Increased values.
  9. Hulking Monstrosity Legendary Node:
    • Golem damage increased from 40% to 100%.
  10. Infused Warrior, Infused Caster, Frenzied Golem, Mutation’s Golem Rare Nodes:
    • Golem Damage increased from 17% to 25%.
  11. Corporeal Rare Glyph:
    • Now affects all Magic nodes within range and increases their effects by 150%.
  12. Wither Legendary Node:
    • The description now displays your current chance to trigger and the current value of bonus damage.
    Unique Items Updates:
  13. Blood Artisan’s Cuirass:
    • Total Armor affix replaced with bonus Maximum Life.
  14. Deathless Visage:
    • Total Armor affix replaced with Damage Reduction.
  15. The Echoes left behind by Bone Spear from the Unique power:
    • Now deal 5% increased damage for every +30% of your Critical Strike Bonus Damage stat.
    • Damage reduced from 0.28-0.38 to 0.25-0.35.
  16. Bloodless Scream:
    • Damage to Frozen Enemies affix replaced with Bonus Intelligence.
    • Chill amount for Darkness skills increased from 40 to 100.
    • Darkness Skills deal x20-x50% bonus damage to Frozen enemies.
  17. Deathspeaker’s Pendant:
    • Summoning Skill Damage affix increased by 100%.
    • Overpower Damage affix replaced with Essence Cost Reduction.
    • Damage increased from 0.1-0.15 to 0.15-0.2.
  18. Black River:
    • Damage to Healthy Enemies affix replaced with Bonus Ranks of All Corpse Skills at up to 1 Rank above normal value.
    • Damage to Distant Enemies affix replaced with Bonus Ranks of the Hewed Flesh Passive.
  19. Lidless Wall:
    • Damage to Distant Enemies affix replaced with bonus Maximum Life.
  20. Ring of Mendeln:
    • The unique power no longer requires 7 or more minions to be active.
    Various Changes:
  21. Paragon Mage and Warrior Glyph’s Additional Bonus:
    • Now affect Minions rather than just Skeletal Mages and Skeletal Warriors.
  22. Infused Caster and Flesh-horror Rare Nodes:
    • Now affect Minions' Resistance to All Elements.
  23. Hulking Monstrosity Legendary Node:
    • Golem damage increased from 40% to 100%.
  24. Infused Warrior, Infused Caster, Frenzied Golem, Mutation’s Golem Rare Nodes:
    • Golem Damage increased from 17% to 25%.
  25. Corporeal Rare Glyph:
    • Now affects all Magic nodes within range and increases their effects by 150%.
  26. Wither Legendary Node:
    • The description now displays your current chance to trigger and the current value of bonus damage.
logo and picture of Rogue

Diablo 4 Season of Blood Rogue Updates

Unique Items Updates:

  1. Grasp of Shadow:
    • Increased Bonus Ranks of all Core Skills affix by 100%.
    • Increased Shadow Clone Damage affix by 150%.
    • Replaced Damage to Vulnerable Enemies affix with bonus Dexterity.
  2. Condemnation:
    • Replaced Critical Strike Chance Against Injured Enemies affix with Critical Strike Damage.
  3. Windforce:
    • Increased Core Skill Damage affix by 40%.
    • Replaced Damage to Distant Enemies affix with bonus Ranks of the Concussive Passive.
    • Increased Lucky Hit Chance to deal double damage and Knock Back enemies from 10-20% to 20-30%.
  4. Skyhunter:
    • Revised functionality: The first direct damage dealt to an enemy is a guaranteed Critical Strike. If maximum stacks of the Precision Key Passive are present when casting a Core Skill, that skill gains bonus Critical Strike Damage, and the player gains Energy.
  5. Cowl of the Nameless:
    • Replaced Maximum Energy affix with bonus Ranks of Imbuement Skills (up to 1 Rank above normal value).
    • Replaced Dexterity affix with Damage Reduction from Close Enemies.
  6. Eaglehorn:
    • Revised functionality: Penetrating Shot has a chance to fire an arrow that bounces off walls and scenery. Damaging 5 enemies with Penetrating Shot causes the next cast to make enemies hit Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
  7. Eyes in the Dark:
    • Increased Damage to Enemies Affected by Trap Skills by 150%.
    • Replaced Damage to Elites affix with Maximum Life.
    • Replaced Dodge Chance affix with Damage Reduction.
    • Unique Power now additionally increases Death Trap's damage by 30-50%.
  8. Word of Hakan:
    • Increased Ultimate Skill Damage affix by 200%.
    • Replaced Cooldown Reduction affix with Rain of Arrows Cooldown Reduction at 300% of normal value.
    • Replaced Critical Strike Damage with Imbued Skills affix with Movement Speed.
    Skills Updates:
  9. Primary Blade Shift Upgrade:
    • Updated description: While Blade Shift is active, gain +15% Resistance to All Elements and reduce the duration of incoming Control Impairing effects by 20%.
  10. Blade Shift:
    • Increased Lucky Hit Chance from 35% to 50%.
    • Enhanced Blade Shift now provides the full 20% Movement Speed bonus immediately.
  11. Heartseeker:
    • Increased Critical Strike Chance bonus effect from 3% to 5% per stack. Cap remains at 15%.
  12. Forceful Arrow:
    • Increased Lucky Hit Chance from 40% to 50%.
  13. Countering Dark Shroud:
    • Now requires at least 2 active shadows (down from 4) to gain its Critical Strike Chance increase.
  14. Caltrops:
    • Increased duration from 6 to 7 seconds.
  15. Enhanced Smoke Grenade:
    • Increased damage taken from 20% to 25%.
Roguestart of game screenshot

Passives Updates:

  1. Impetus:
    • Reduced the distance for the damage buff from 15 to 12 meters.
    • Now increases the damage of your next non-Basic attack.
  2. Victimize:
    • Victimize’s damage is increased by 120% of your Damage vs Vulnerable bonus.
  3. Close Quarters Combat:
    • Updated damage calculation.
    Previous: Damaging a Close enemy with Marksman or Cutthroat Skills grants an Attack Speed bonus and increased damage against Crowd Controlled enemies.
    New: Damaging a Close enemy with Marksman or Cutthroat Skills grants an Attack Speed bonus. While both Attack Speed bonuses are active, your damage dealt is increased based on your Damage vs Crowd Controlled bonus.
    Paragon Updates:
  4. Eldritch Bounty Legendary Node:
    • Updated to grant +3% Maximum Resistance and increased damage for the Imbuement’s element when attacking with an Imbued Skill.
  5. Pride Rare Glyph:
    • Changed bonus from Physical damage to +125% bonus to all Rare nodes within range.
  6. No Witnesses Legendary Node:
    • Ultimate Skills gain additional damage from Damage with Ultimate bonus and grant this bonus to all Skills for a duration when cast.
    Legendary Aspects:
  7. Energizing Aspect:
    • Increased energy gain when hitting an Elite with a Basic Skill.
  8. Icy Alchemist’s Aspect:
    • Increased damage.
  9. Toxic Alchemist’s Aspect:
    • Increased damage.
  10. Aspect of Volatile Shadows:
    • Increased damage.
  11. Aspect of Synergy:
    • Increased Agility Skill damage.
  12. Aspect of Bursting Venom:
    • No longer requires a Critical Strike.
    • Increased Lucky Hit chance.
    • Increased toxic pool damage.
    These updates bring adjustments to the passives, paragon nodes, and legendary aspects for various skills in Diablo 4's Season of Blood. The changes aim to enhance gameplay, balance, and offer more diverse build options for players.
Sorcerer logo and the character

Diablo 4 Season of Blood Sorcerer Updates

These updates include changes to skills, passives, paragon points, legendary nodes, legendary aspects, and unique items. Here's a breakdown of the key changes:

Skills Updates:

  1. Glinting Fire Bolt: Increased Burning damage from critical strikes.
  2. Incinerate: Reduced bonus damage ramp-up time.
  3. Enhanced Frozen Orb: Adjusted mana threshold, reduced maximum distance, and added bonus damage against Elites.
  4. Meteor: Increased effect radius.
  5. Wizard’s Ball Lightning: Adjusted the maximum number of Crackling Energy generated.
  6. Hydra: Increased summoned Hydra damage.
  7. Supreme Currents: Added functionality to increase Crackling Energy pulse speed during Unstable Currents.

Passives Updates:

  1. Potent Warding: Increased resistance and maximum resistance after casting a Non-Basic Skill.
  2. Align the Elements: Bonus persists for 2 seconds after taking damage.

Paragon Updates:

  1. Enchanter Glyph: Changed resistance bonus to maximum resistance.
  2. Galvanic Catalyst Rare Node: Changed Crackling Energy Damage to Lightning Damage.
  3. Winter Rare Glyph: Improved bonus for Rare Paragon nodes within range.
  4. Searing Heat Legendary Node: Revised Critical Strike Chance and Direct Damage bonuses for Fire skills.
  5. Burning Instinct Legendary Node: Adjusted bonus damage calculation for Burning damage.
  6. Static Surge Legendary Node: Added new functionality after spending Mana.
Sorcerer start game play screenshot

Legendary Aspects Updates

  1. Of Piercing Static: Swapped Legendary Power, now pierces but deals less damage to subsequent targets.
  2. Of Engulfing Flames: Revised bonus Burning damage conditions.

Unique Items Updates

  1. Staff of Endless Rage: Replaced Lucky Hit affix with Fire Damage, added bonus damage to every 3rd Fireball cast.
  2. Iceheart Brais: Replaced Damage to Injured Enemies with Damage Reduction, replaced Intelligence with bonus Maximum Life.
  3. Esu’s Heirloom: Replaced Slow Duration Reduction with Critical Strike Damage, increased Evade Grants Movement Speed duration.
  4. Staff of Lam Essen: Swapped Unique Power with Of Static Cling Legendary Aspect.
  5. Gloves of the Illuminator: Increased restoration value for Lucky Hit affix, reduced damage penalty.
  6. Esadora’s Overflowing Cameo: Replaced Non-Physical Damage with Cooldown Reduction, increased Crackling Energy Damage affix, and Lightning Nova damage.
  7. Flamescar: Increased ranks of Incinerate affix and replaced Non-Physical Damage with Mana Cost Reduction.
  8. The Oculus: Replaced Lucky Hit affix with Damage at 315% of normal value.
    These updates seem to bring a variety of adjustments to the Sorcerer class, focusing on improving skills, passives, and items to enhance gameplay and build diversity. Players will likely appreciate the added depth and strategy these changes introduce to the Season of Blood experience.
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