Caffeine Supplementation

Posted by Member Khan on 12/7/12 03:54 PM #1
Posts: 1195

The weekend is upon us and that means long nights of gaming. I would like to share with you some interesting ways/products I use to dose with caffeine to keep my fingers going and my mental awareness sharp without the usual sugary or diet soda tasting substances that coat your teeth with goo.

The first in line in the image above is a product called Sheets. It consists of a small square "sheet" artificially flavored that you place on your tongue. As it melts, it doses you with B vitamins and 100mg of caffeine. The taste isn't too horrid and it gets the job done.

The second item is a product called Aeroshot. When you open the package, you are faced with a device similar in shape to a small shotgun shell. To dose. you open the applicator by pulling it about 1/2", insert it into your mouth, and inhale deeply. The particles are too large to get into your lungs and, via the way your oral cavity works, it ends up in your palate and tongue area. There it is absorbed similarly to the Sheet product. It also provides B vitamins. Each "imhale" gets you about 25mg of caffeine. Not much but dosing the entire device gets you about 100mg according to the website. I got these from France prior to their legalization in the US.

The third item is 300mg of caffeine powder. Notice that it is on a scale. If you choose to use caffeine power, please get a scale or you will end up hurting yourself. I purchase my caffeine from Amazon. I place the powder in about 6 ounces of juice or in a shot of vodka. The vodka shot with caffeine in it is called a Dublin Dragoon among my friends (after my last name) and what we use while trolling Vegas or getting aggro on the town.

Make no mistake, caffeine is very powerful and you should NOT exceed 1000mg in a 24 hour period.

Anyone else use interesting caffeine products or other types of pick me ups while gaming?

Posted by Member phamalot on 12/7/12 04:10 PM #2
Posts: 105

Posted by Khan at 12/07/2012 03:54 PM

Make no mistake, caffeine is very powerful and you should exceed 1000mg in a 24 hour period.

"should NOT" ?? hehehe
crazy khan!
Posted by Member sabin on 12/7/12 04:14 PM #3
Posts: 338

I have to say I was expecting a joke in the 3rd slot when I saw white powder on a scale to give you extra energy.

Posted by Khan at 12/07/2012 03:54 PM

you should exceed 1000mg in a 24 hour period.

Of all the words to leave out...

I'll occasionally have an energy drink, but more often the fuel is a beer.
Posted by Member Khan on 12/7/12 04:24 PM #4
Posts: 1195

Posted by phamalot at 12/07/2012 04:10 PM

Posted by Khan at 12/07/2012 03:54 PM

Make no mistake, caffeine is very powerful and you should exceed 1000mg in a 24 hour period.

"should NOT" ?? hehehe
crazy khan!

EDITED! hahaha
Posted by Member baccarat0809 on 12/12/12 08:35 PM #5
Posts: 376

Sooooooo, what happens when you exeed 1000mg ???????

Heart beats so fast it flies out of your chest ala Indiana Jones?

Other effects?

Just wondering.
Posted by Member shniggies on 12/12/12 09:00 PM #6
Posts: 909

wow... these are all very intense!
Posted by Member Khan on 12/14/12 08:56 AM #7
Posts: 1195

@baccarat0809 I only listed 1000mg because I'm assuming regular caffeine users are going to stick by a regimen like Ironman/distance athletes that regularly dose at intervals during their events (i.e. office workers dosing every two hours or so; paperwork and meetings are events!). The constant 1000mg-plus everyday for an office worker may lead to caffeine toxicity and give symptoms similar to ODing on stimulants like crack and meth (hallucinations, nausea, etc) and could lead to death via heart attack (Temple of Doom! Kali ma! Kali ma!).

The LD50 for humans (lethal dose) is about 150 - 200 mg per kilo (2.2 lbs) of bodyweight. This would be about 80-100 cups of coffee in a hurried fashion to ensure your body is metabolizing it at one time.

Additionally, the IOC lists caffeine as a restricted drug and high levels of its metabolites may lead to a ban.

Other effects? Weight loss due to loss of appetite and an increase of overall movement, faster typing (not necessarily accurate), quicker thoughts, etc. Everything coffee does but more!!!!! Wooo!
Posted by Member Buzzell on 12/14/12 09:40 AM #8
Posts: 296

@khan only you would own a milligram scale, and then use it for caffeine! I remember when I almost bought one and ordered a pile of 2c chemicals.

To everyone else, if you really want to stay awake just go down to your local smoke shop and get some bath salts! (joke)
Posted by Member Khan on 12/14/12 10:30 AM #9
Posts: 1195

Posted by Buzzell at 12/14/2012 09:40 AM

only you would own a milligram scale, and then use it for caffeine!
When I was younger, it would have been used for other things...
Posted by Member EnzyOne on 12/14/12 07:35 PM #10
Posts: 107

No caffeine here, besides random energy drinks every now and then.

Been meaning to try playing under the influence of mdma and lsd... but life interferes...
Posted by Admin DHAdmin on 12/14/12 07:41 PM #11
Posts: 938

Oh god Acid and Diablo sounds like a horrible combination.
Posted by Member Khan on 12/14/12 08:09 PM #12
Posts: 1195

Yeah, I like to have partners for MDMA...But to each his own. That really nice DH arse constantly running around with a skimpy outfit enchantress would get me killed over and over.
Posted by Member Buzzell on 12/15/12 08:21 AM #13
Posts: 296

I'd play the shit out of Diablo on acid.
Posted by Member EnzyOne on 12/16/12 12:24 AM #14
Posts: 107

Bwahaha. Be sure to record any such activity. That'd go viral for sure.
Posted by Member Rage661 on 12/28/12 01:45 PM #15
Posts: 2

LOL all the pretty colors on LSD would get me killed, or id have a seisure not sure yet, but yeah.. deffinatly like to stimulate on that d3.. lol the 3rd picture had me thinking it was some columbian's finest export, which is also a good alternative if you have money to "blow" literally LOL

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9 users posted in this thread: baccarat0809, Buzzell, DHAdmin, EnzyOne, Khan, phamalot, Rage661, sabin, shniggies

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