Thoughts on Patch 1.0.8

Posted by Member nuhertz on 5/8/13 09:30 AM #1
Posts: 512

Now that the excitement of the gold dupe is subsiding, and quite frankly, I'm sick of hearing about it, what does everyone think about patch 1.0.8?

What's your favorite new feature? Are you more prone to play multiplayer? Do you feel drops have increased? Did you change your farming route, and if so, what is it?

I'm curious about everyone's experience.

I dropped down to MP3 on my WD to test out Act 1, and I'm pretty happy with it. Act 2 was actually a lot more difficult with some of the annoying AI that the monsters have.
Posted by Member ninjax on 5/8/13 09:44 AM #2
Posts: 600

Me and another barb mate did some MP8 A1 and it was really good.... tried MP10 and it took bloody ages and died too many times for my liking. Tried MP8 A2 as we thought we could run CoTA / key runs but we got owned and I died all the time haha. My mate not so much but it wasn't way to expensive on the repair bills. We both got really really good XP, even without a ruby in my helm as was using amethyst for life% on higher MP.
I think we're going to try some A1 MP8 clears next time just for fun.

It's just that much more enjoyable to play the game as a whole now - play with friends and be rewarded for it, not have to muck around ID'ing every bloody item and crafting is a great straight from your stash. As mention in another thread I've been using "conversations" with some other achievement hunters, it's really handy and will be brilliant with a few tweaks like auto-join & naming.
Posted by Member nuhertz on 5/8/13 09:51 AM #3
Posts: 512

ID all! I was so surprised, I accidentally clicked it going to my stash and got so excited!

The quality of life improvements are easily my favorite part of the new patch. ID all, mass crafting, notifications for elites and treasure goblins. Agreed, makes playing more fun.
Posted by Member ecocd on 5/8/13 12:14 PM #4
Posts: 1059

I've found that stopping is more difficult. When I was doing well-defined runs I could finish one up in 5-10 minutes and then make a decision to start a new one or shut the game down. Now I finish one area and I know there's half a dozen more that are just about as good. So why stop?! I'll just clear one more area. Just one more. I swear. Okay so maybe the next one, too, but that's it! ... When did it get to be so late?
Posted by Member Baldy on 5/8/13 12:24 PM #5
Posts: 706

Posted by ecocd at 05/08/2013 12:14 PM

I've found that stopping is more difficult. When I was doing well-defined runs I could finish one up in 5-10 minutes and then make a decision to start a new one or shut the game down. Now I finish one area and I know there's half a dozen more that are just about as good. So why stop?! I'll just clear one more area. Just one more. I swear. Okay so maybe the next one, too, but that's it! ... When did it get to be so late?

And that is the way it should should lose yourself in the game because that is why it was purchased in the first place. BAM!
Posted by Member douvinsky on 5/8/13 05:49 PM #6
Posts: 1445

New features liked:

1. ID all
2. Gob/ E alert
3. Multiplayer bonus boost
4. Multiplayer difficulty nerfed

I haven't tried a solo game in 1.08. I enjoy joining pub too just for the fun of to MP1 though for pub game.

For arranged co-op game I only do 3 areas for better time efficiency viz Festering Woods, Weeping Hollow, Field.

Avoided Act 2 for now, for the exploding maniacs and snakes are not my favourite when my EHP is low at Hardcore.
Posted by Member alyu314 on 5/8/13 06:18 PM #7
Posts: 44

Loving the denz. fields of misery is true to its name now - rounding up 100s of mobs and e's then batclouding all of it!

also, ubers are now even easier for wd with firebats. I just sit on them and span bats (except kulle, usejinx + well of souls)
Posted by Member Mylton on 5/8/13 08:35 PM #8
Posts: 35

I've always preferred act 1 but felt compelled to play act 3 (which is my second favorite anyway) for the sake of efficiency. Now I am loving act 1 and not feeling like I could be farming something more productive.

I find act 2 significantly harder due to the mix of monsters. Everything I used to find annoying has been magnified by the increased density.

I haven't tried act 4 yet...

I also have to agree with both @nuhertz and @ecocd the quality of life improvements however minor on the surface have a huge impact... no more running to the jeweler in act 1 and realizing I left my tomes in my stash... and it all adds up to more time actually fighting monsters and being drawn in. I have a hard time in places wanting to stop to even pick up loot in some areas.

On a related note my personal best kill streak is now up over 500 where before it was about 150. I am wondering If I might be able to get it over 1000 (or higher) between Highlands Crossing and Leoric's Manor.
Posted by Member NightCrawler9 on 5/8/13 10:25 PM #9
Posts: 444

Aside from the duping this patch is pretty good. As said if you play something other than act three you don't feel like you're wasting time anymore. That said I don't think for someone like me that this will hold me over very long. I mean sure, better play areas is cool and all but the game is still the same as it was in 1.0.7. For someone who has done pretty much everything in this game you can do, the only thing that would really pique my interest a ton would be the itemization patch which I hope will encourage a lot more build diversity. (I know, I started positive than turned negative haha)

Favorite new areas to farm are Dalgur Oasis, Whimsyshire, Gardens of Hope Tier 1.
Posted by Member SlipryChiken on 5/9/13 01:54 AM #10
Posts: 37

It seems the WD has more survivability then the WW barb I am friggin stoked
Posted by Member SlipryChiken on 5/9/13 01:56 AM #11
Posts: 37

Soul harvest is a bloody weapon now, in act 4 did about 7 soul harvests in less then 3 seconds
Posted by Member ninjax on 5/9/13 02:59 AM #12
Posts: 600

I haven't tried bats on my WD yet... Soul harvest has always been OP!
Posted by Member Mehsiah on 5/9/13 08:09 AM #13
Posts: 248

My only issue is people who are geared for Mp3 coming into my public MP10 and getting owned constantly.

No help to me or the group. =/
Posted by Member Khan on 5/9/13 09:58 PM #14
Posts: 1195

New monster density is awesome. I can keep archon up in every act on MP5 as if my wizard has been given viagra. Definitely a difference.
Posted by Member eleganthobo on 5/10/13 10:01 AM #15
Posts: 125

Does anyone have an issue with show items on the ground toggle ("Alt" button for most). I have to hold ALT down now to see anything and its annoying.
Posted by Member nuhertz on 5/10/13 11:34 AM #16
Posts: 512

@eleganthobo That's a setting, you have to have labels show on drop, instead of on press. It's in the game settings somewhere with a checkbox and a drop down.
Posted by Member Stukthrtl on 5/10/13 01:15 PM #17
Posts: 282

it's a bug. thankfully it's shown for me at the moment :)
Posted by Member nuhertz on 5/10/13 01:51 PM #18
Posts: 512

I was actually just tinkering with my settings yesterday, and after setting it wrong, then correcting it, everything worked for me. Apparently your mileage may vary.
Posted by Member ecocd on 5/11/13 02:14 AM #19
Posts: 1059

I'm out of town right now. Any reports on what's happening with mats and items on the AH?
Posted by Member ninjax on 5/11/13 02:33 AM #20
Posts: 600

@ecocd Gems slightly higher, sold some radiant ruby's for 32M and also some flawless stars for 3.5M which is 1M up pre-patch. I think Radiants are at 29M now thought. I'd saved some gem plans too, they went for about 25K.

Tomes are 485g right now.
Posted by Member ninjax on 5/11/13 03:57 AM #21
Posts: 600

Also just sold about 5k tears I had in my stash as I have more than I burn... surprised to see them going for 1705g each!
Posted by Member MaximumStock on 5/11/13 04:48 AM #22
Posts: 32

What is the dollar price per million right now? I'm on EU and can't check it myself. Neither I could find any information on reddit, forums, etc.. I'm wondering whether there are still intentions to introduce the decreased gold price on EU since I'm sitting on 80+ € and don't want to waste one billion :-/.

Thank you in advance!
Posted by Member Baldy on 5/11/13 07:49 AM #23
Posts: 706

back down to .25 per million
Posted by Member MaximumStock on 5/11/13 07:50 AM #24
Posts: 32

Thank you!
Posted by Admin DHAdmin on 5/18/13 04:27 AM #25
Posts: 938

It's fun to make large groups of monsters.... video here!

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