Posted by Member nuhertz on 6/25/13 08:32 AM
Posts: 512
Lately my play sessions have consisted only of Whimsyshire runs.
Why? I'm at Level 95 Paragon with my barb. I need to grind some XP. I'm having a tough time finding legendaries worth any amount of money. Spectrums (and Horadric Hamburgers) have been consistently good sellers for me. I've found 9-10 Spectrums over the last 9 hours of play, and sold 3 of them for 100m+. Their DPS was 500+. Even the lowest DPS ones will sell for 100k. Spectrums and Hamburgers are the only items you can specifically farm for right now. I'm running through with my WW Barb at MP7, killing all trash mobs, skipping most Champion packs, and killing rare packs. Rare packs take about 10-15 seconds to kill, Champions closer to 30-40 seconds. I like to keep my runs under 5 minutes. With uptime of Sprint and Wrath of the Berserker nearly unlimited, it makes for a quick run. The play goes like this: Run. Stop in big group. Rend. Run again. Kill blue elites, kill pinata, try to find the purple unqiues. Start run over. Anyone doing any interesting farming or has tried this? Also if you find me online and invite me to a purple mob, I'll pay 3m. If I find a Spectrum, I'll give a bonus 1m. This is Inferno only, any MP level. I've recently put together a guide. Check it out! |
Whimsyshire Farming
Posted by Admin DHAdmin on 6/25/13 02:51 PM
Posts: 938
I run this place all the time! I will do the same deal as Nuhertz, if you find the purple mob or a pinata give me a message :)
It's one of the few items I still sell on a regular basis. |
Posted by Member Bort on 6/27/13 06:34 AM
Posts: 551
I must have rotten luck then.
Ran the place about 22 times now. Levelled all the way from 80 to 81 there. (Btw. good call on the levelling) In total I have seen 9 legendaries, of which 2 were not even brims. (As in, they were lvl 58 wizard hats) I have seen the unique horse twice. And both hamburger and spectrum are a lie. Running at mp6 and 7. |
Posted by Member nuhertz on 6/27/13 11:06 AM
Posts: 512
@Anuiran Thread hijacked. :) I'll pay more than Anuiran. Just saying.
@Bort I think the stats on the drops are 5% chance from a Pinata (Hamburger) 10% chance for a Spectrum from a Purple mob. It can be a long time before you find one, but certainly can be rewarding. That said, the extra drop chance on MP10 is nice if you can handle it. Also, if you find Team Unicorn, it's 4 purples for the price of one, and it's hard not to get at least one Spectrum to drop from them. Keep at it! |
Posted by Member Bort on 6/27/13 12:30 PM
Posts: 551
So far I have killed Team Unicorn Once, The solo Unique unicorn 3 times and the unique flower once. And I get the Pinata about 75% of the runs.
No luck so far... but that's my typical streaks. I hate this game and it hates me. :P Do you have to have 5 NV? |
Posted by Member nuhertz on 6/27/13 12:52 PM
Posts: 512
@Bort The real trick is to get 4 people with the Infernal Staff to farm at the same time, and then just invite everyone to the first purple you find.
4x better efficiency for the one item that is actually farmable. I'd offer to farm with you, but I know you're EU. |
Posted by Member Bort on 6/27/13 01:39 PM
Posts: 551
Finally found one. (Not one with high dps, but still, it does exist.)
I had 5 NV, and I got it from the purple horse Creampuff. |
Posted by Member Bort on 6/28/13 01:17 AM
Posts: 551
Ok... I know I'm cluttering up this thread. But I would like to sort out this stuff once and for all.
So first, a comment from my side, which I discovered after running ponyland a couple of times. When you first talk to the Cow ghost, you don't have to wait for his very long dialog to finish. Initially I ported to town, and when you get back the portal is open. BUT, then I discovered all I need to do is to run to the top of the screen and back. So just if you didn't know. Fastest way to get him to shut up and open the portal that I have found so far. Ok. Now for my questions... so if anyone can please answer these questions. a) Can any mob drop the hamburger, or only the piniata? b) Do you need 5 NV on the piniata. c) Does MP and magic find % make a difference to finding the hamburger. d) Can any mob drop Spectrum, or only the uniques. e) Can any unique mob drop it, or only a specific one. f) Do you need 5 NV g) Does MP and magic find % make a difference to finding Spectrum Thanks guys. |
Posted by Admin DHAdmin on 6/28/13 02:36 AM
Posts: 938
The fastest way to go through his dialog is to press space or esc a bunch. I don't have answers to all your questions... but! I have only ever received the hamburger from pinata's and I did not have 5 satacks. I also assume magic find would increase your chances in finding both. |
Posted by Member h311o on 6/28/13 04:07 AM
Posts: 204
afaik only pinata drops hamburger and spectrum drops from "Team Unicorn" members not from other unicorns, bears or flowers. And you don't need the NV stacks but they rise MF so it's always good to have for increased chance to drop one of both. |
Posted by Member Bort on 6/28/13 05:36 AM
Posts: 551
@h311o well, based on the fact that I got a spectrum from a unique called Creampuff yesterday I can say thus far that it's not only from "Team Unicorn". But thanks for the update. :)
But I just wanted to make 100% certain if killing all the trash and other elites increases my chances of finding it, or only uniques. So so far it seems that it drops from some of the uniques in ponyland. "Team Unicorn" - stated by h3110 "Creampuff" - confirmed by me. Other uniques - unconfirmed. |
Posted by Member nuhertz on 6/28/13 07:06 AM
Posts: 512
I can confirm the Spectrum will drop from all purple Uniques in Whimsyshire. Tubbers Creampuff Midnight Sparkle Nightmarity Maisey the Daisy Team Unicorn (Drops x4 - Best odds for finding one) It will NOT drop from any other mob in Whimsyshire. The Hamburger will ONLY drop from the Pinata. You can get them from anywhere from 0-5 stacks. The Magic Find, as some have said, is sure to increase your chances, but not necessary for either. My personal preference with no hard data to back it up, is that the bonus drop from higher MP is the biggest factor that affects your drops. Purple mobs on MP1 drop far less than MP7-10 for me. Once again, no data. I almost never have 5 stacks. 2-3 stacks is average, and I am always on MP7+ unless someone has invited me to their game. A lot of streamers on Twitch (ItsPokey, TheCandiru, ArchonTheWizard) run on much lower MP and still find a lot of them. I believe Archon still hosts the Whimsyshire farming competition on Sundays, where you take an hour to see what team can find the highest DPS Spectrum/Hamburger. Would be fun to put together a dream team for this. @Anurian is correct, whatever key you have bound to close all windows (dialog boxes?) is the quickest way to pass the dialog. I believe those who find the most are the ones who see the most purple mobs, and those people are the people who run on MP levels where they just run through. Tempest Rush Monks and WW Barbs tend to be the quickest in terms of runs, WW Barbs actually being able to kill on the way through. My average run is about 4 minutes, and that would be my biggest benchmark for players. Run on an MP that lets you do this. |
Posted by Member Venoom on 7/1/13 03:45 AM
Posts: 261
Hi all, it's been a while since I last played D3 or logged in to this forum, but I don't understand... how can this item still sell for 9$? It has 0 value for your character and it's not that rare. Why would any player pay 9$ for it? |
Posted by Member nuhertz on 7/1/13 07:47 AM
Posts: 512
The best explination I've heard is botters. The item only has a required level of 30, but can have DPS to 700+. It makes Level 30-60 a cakewalk. It really is great for leveling, but I can only imagine it's worth it for new accounts and new characters. |
Posted by Member Venoom on 7/1/13 08:07 AM
Posts: 261
@nuhertz thanks for explaining!
I didn't know the Burger could have high DPS, I only looted very low DPS ones so far. Now it makes sense :) |
Posted by Member nuhertz on 7/1/13 09:02 AM
Posts: 512
@Venoom You do have to loot them on Inferno to get the high DPS roll. iLVL 63 damage rolls are what you're looking for. I've also found Spectrums looted in normal always roll with a socket.
Posted by Member eastdragon42 on 7/6/13 07:46 AM
Posts: 413
Just got my first Spectrum in Whimsyshire, but no idea how to price it. The DPS is super low (39.2), but it's got 140 dex & 105 vit, and there's nothing else on the AH with those two stats in the 100s (indeed, dropping down in increments of 10, the closest I found was a single Spectrum with 60s for both, & that was priced at 9 million bid/buyout for 1d3...) I'm assuming it's worth more than 100k, but not sure how much more...any suggestions?
Posted by Member nuhertz on 7/7/13 10:37 PM
Posts: 512
I've been selling all of mine with 39.2 DPS at 100k. I'd try maybe doubling it just to see if it sells?
Posted by Member Bort on 7/8/13 07:57 AM
Posts: 551
I still only found the 1 spectrum (same story, low DPS, 100ish dex), and 0 hamburgers, and Whimsy is now part of my normal act 1 runs. Started doing this on P80, now P86.
Have no idea how you manage so many pickups @nuhertz. |
Posted by Member nuhertz on 7/8/13 10:45 AM
Posts: 512
Well, there are a few factors. Simple runs, I found a few on MP1 and decided anything higher kills my efficiency. When searching for purples, I literally Sprint. Tornadoes keep up my wrath, and I run the whole map, killing everything with the tornadoes behind me. Also, when I find a purple, I bring an extra 3 accounts in the game. That might help a bit too. :) I've found Team Unicorn twice in the past few days, and got 3 Spectrums each time (over 4 accounts). The only one worth anything was a 300 dps, for about 20m. |
Posted by Member Bort on 7/8/13 11:41 AM
Posts: 551
holy smokes dude.
I have found team unicorn twice, and a bunch of other purples. On MP8, 5NV, capped Magic find. Not once have I seen a spectrum. But awesome for you. :) *edit... wait... not twice have I seen a spectrum. |
Posted by Member nuhertz on 8/12/13 08:39 AM
Posts: 512
Still paying for Whimsyshire purples on US server, but have upped the bounty to 5m per purple I can invite three characters to. (Inferno, MP1+) Follow me at You'll get an email anytime I'm online. Alternatively you can send a friend request to Pauper#1231 with any combination of the following words: awesome, 5m, whimsy, cool, I love you, and Team Unicorn. I've found 3x 550+ DPS Spectrums, sold for a total of $25 after fees, and paid out probably close to 100m in bounties now. I'll also give a bonus 5m if I find a Spectrum worth over 100m. |
Posted by Member Stukthrtl on 8/12/13 09:27 AM
Posts: 282
Sweet. Which purples drop the Spectrum?
Posted by Member nuhertz on 8/12/13 09:31 AM
Posts: 512
All. Complete list:
Creampuff Killaire (Team Unicorn) Maisie the Daisy Maulin Sorely (Team Unicorn) Midnight Sparkle Miss Hell (Team Unicorn) Nightmarity R'Lyeh (Team Unicorn) Tubbers |
Posted by Member VBPro7 on 8/13/13 05:02 PM
Posts: 2
I have gotten the hamburger once & the spectrum once. I have gotten 100% drop rate so far and they both came from the Super Elite mobs(way stronger than regular purple mobs), flowers & ponies. Whimsy is the only place i have encountered these super elite types of mobs and i have been screaming for a while that they add these kind of mobs to the regular game mobs. Wouldnt it be sweet to every now and then come upon a mobs pack that is Super Elite and guarantees a leg? I have played whimsy over 200 times and have only came upon these super elite packs twice so thats how rare those are.
Most(95%) of those times were not in inferno though so inferno may have different rules. |