Hardcore Diary Part VII(a): BumbleBee II

Posted by Member douvinsky on 7/18/13 02:25 AM #1
Posts: 1445

Part VI - WD(67) RIP to game freeze
Part VII - Monk(94) RIP to game lag

A touching moment.......after I lost my monk, I broadcasted the RIP.

Archived BumbleBee, and rerolled a BumbleBee II. Cooliemost requested for invite, and in game he just dropped all those nice leveling gears onto the floor!

Posted by Member douvinsky on 7/18/13 06:19 AM #2
Posts: 1445

My PC crashed while I was being power levelled at level 59. Sent my PC for repair, it turned out that my display card 7700 has crashed. After two days, I finally got it back with a new display card GeForce 660.

It's time.
Posted by Member douvinsky on 7/18/13 09:35 AM #3
Posts: 1445

Finished my powerleveling session with Khai.
Excluding some trade time, it took us less than 3 hours with a 27% Ruby, HF ring and Cain's Set.

Starting HP:
Level1 - 2.2k
Level30 - 5.7k
Level50 - 31.5k

Posted by Member zerokewl on 7/18/13 06:04 PM #4
Posts: 816

That's sick fast
Posted by Member Bort on 7/19/13 12:23 AM #5
Posts: 551

Yeah, normal difficulty normally takes me longer than that. Nevermind lvl 60.
Posted by Member douvinsky on 7/22/13 08:54 AM #6
Posts: 1445

P(20) Checkpoint:

- 10 hours 46 minutes played
- 7 legs
Posted by Member JJK59 on 7/22/13 09:46 AM #7
Posts: 68

I remember when you thought 8 hours to 60 was fast ... :) I am at P(25) with my DH and have 30+ hours... I lack a HF ring, though.
Posted by Member zerokewl on 7/22/13 02:57 PM #8
Posts: 816

Posted by JJK59 at 07/22/2013 09:46 AM

I remember when you thought 8 hours to 60 was fast ... :) I am at P(25) with my DH and have 30+ hours... I lack a HF ring, though.

We will have ti fix that.
Posted by Member Grumpy on 7/22/13 03:27 PM #9
Posts: 33

oooooohhhhhhh - ooooooohhhhhh -- oooooohhhhhh I could use one of them shinnnnnnyyy rings too.

Need to grind some keys first though.....got 2 act 1 keys, 0 act 2 and 3. Hmmmmm....suppose i'll need the act 4 plans too.....dang....nvm...I like my monk much more than that.........

Posted by Member douvinsky on 7/22/13 07:25 PM #10
Posts: 1445

New for BumbleBeeII

Posted by Member douvinsky on 7/22/13 07:27 PM #11
Posts: 1445

Expensive Upgrade for the love of EHP:

4m --> 90m on pants
1m --> 8m on chest
Posted by Member douvinsky on 7/22/13 07:39 PM #12
Posts: 1445

I am pretty happy with my new set up now.

My Dead P(94) BumbleBee was using Skorn TR build. That relies on spirit regen items and skills for the 14.08 spirit regen per second perma spin + vortex.

Now my P(23) BumbleBeeII is using NIL spirit regen items and yet she generates much more spirits per second than her dead sister. Thanks to the great hardcore community members who never fail to give good advices.

The answers lie in fast attack speed. Currently I have 1.90 attack per second with sword and board (without Inna Pants).

My chosen set of skills:

The left and right:
1. Deadly Reach (projectile, and 25 yards distance on 3rd strike) / strike from beyond (additional 10 spirits on crit). Generates tonnes of spirit for vortex when there are lots of mobs around (nice when vortex is just needed)
2. Dashing Strike/ Quick Silver --> This escape/mobility skill is so fun and powerful

Co-op Friendly:
3. MoC/ Overawe (Hello +24%~48% dmg)
4. Vortex

My Survival/ Dmg booster
5. Serenity/ Ascension
6. BoH/ BW

1. NDE - never leave town without it
2. STI
3. OWE

Over 1.1m EHP now with 75k DPS after buff.
Posted by Member zerokewl on 7/24/13 04:59 PM #13
Posts: 816

ice climbers light resist 250 dex

@douvinsky saw these thought of you.
Posted by Member douvinsky on 7/25/13 09:10 AM #14
Posts: 1445


I was looking for that too. Still looking for a better bargain.
Posted by Member douvinsky on 7/25/13 09:12 AM #15
Posts: 1445

P(30) Checkpoint:

- 16 hours 55 minutes played
- 25 legs
Posted by Member douvinsky on 7/27/13 12:42 AM #16
Posts: 1445

Holy Cow look at the shield over there

Posted by Member douvinsky on 7/27/13 02:58 AM #17
Posts: 1445

Posted by douvinsky at 07/25/2013 09:10 AM


I was looking for that too. Still looking for a better bargain.

Finally the seller lower the bid to 200m with an active bid. I was going to snipe it, but apparently someone bought it out for 500m.

I wanted to get rid of my Nat's set so much, I immediately bought an Ice Climber without movement speed for 55m, at the same time found a good bargain on Lacuni for 4m, and that allows me to equip my trifecta ring with MF which I bought quite a while ago for 15m.

All in all, I retained my 12% MS, I had more CC (from Lacuni + trifecta instead of just the 7.0cc from Nat), more AS (from Lacuni and trifecta), both helps in gaining additional spirits from my attacks and skills. Should be about the same on the overall EHP and DPS.

I should be able to profit from all these, my Nat's set could fetch at least 150m on resell.

Posted by Member douvinsky on 7/28/13 07:38 PM #18
Posts: 1445

I am pretty happy with my new set up now.

My Dead P(94) BumbleBee was using Skorn TR build. That relies on spirit regen items and skills for the 14.08 spirit regen per second perma spin + vortex.

Now my P(23) BumbleBeeII is using NIL spirit regen items and yet she generates much more spirits per second than her dead sister. Thanks to the great hardcore community members who never fail to give good advices.

The answers lie in fast attack speed. Currently I have 1.90 attack per second with sword and board (without Inna Pants).

My chosen set of skills:

The left and right:
1. Deadly Reach (projectile, and 25 yards distance on 3rd strike) / strike from beyond (additional 10 spirits on crit). Generates tonnes of spirit for vortex when there are lots of mobs around (nice when vortex is just needed)
2. Dashing Strike/ Quick Silver --> This escape/mobility skill is so fun and powerful

Co-op Friendly:
3. MoC/ Overawe (Hello +24% dmg)
4. Vortex

My Survival/ Dmg booster
5. Serenity/ Ascension
6. BoH/ BW

1. NDE - never leave town without it
2. STI
3. OWE

Over 1.1m EHP now with 75k DPS after buff.

When there is a second Vortex + MoC monk in the party, I switch to Exploding Palm + MoH. That's fun. It is as though I am planting bombs on those mobs. [EDIT : DO NOT use Exploding Palm when there is Reflect Damage affix.......they will blow you up in pieces]

Posted by Member douvinsky on 7/29/13 02:02 AM #19
Posts: 1445

P(40) Checkpoint:

- 25 hours 25 minutes played
- 37 legs
Posted by Member zerokewl on 7/29/13 04:35 PM #20
Posts: 816

Nice stuff. Also thank you for seeing the truly insane deal I got on my climbers sans ms. Confirmed I paid 11.8 mil for mine.
Posted by Member yoyo on 7/29/13 06:55 PM #21
Posts: 191

I like your new setup, much more survivability. EP with vortex paired with another monk that has high crit and cyclones reminds me of popcorn going off haha.
Posted by Member douvinsky on 7/31/13 08:44 AM #22
Posts: 1445

Kite and kite and kite to an area more open!

To me this is the scariest combo of all.

1) Waller + Frozen to limit your mobility, then
2) Desecrator (yup these killed my P67 WD and P94 monk) + pool = constinous ticking on your HP when you are on top and unable to move due to 1). They are even nastier than arcane imo.

Posted by Member ninjax on 8/1/13 04:32 AM #23
Posts: 600

I don't think I would ever run that area in HC. I have a pretty buff WD in softcore and it is the place I die the most! I'm not sure why but the Dark Cultists seem rather OP..
Posted by Member douvinsky on 8/1/13 07:19 AM #24
Posts: 1445

Posted by ninjax at 08/01/2013 04:32 AM

I don't think I would ever run that area in HC. I have a pretty buff WD in softcore and it is the place I die the most! I'm not sure why but the Dark Cultists seem rather OP..

The Dark Cultists seem to move and cast spells quite rapidly. We encountered them at the tight corridors at the south, and I had to start running the moment I saw both green and red pools under my feet, the worst would be get walled in at the corridor and then frozen while the green and red pools start chewing on my HP.
Posted by Member douvinsky on 8/3/13 08:45 AM #25
Posts: 1445

P(50) Checkpoint:

- 36 hours played
- 37 + 21 = 58 legs

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9 users posted in this thread: Bort, douvinsky, Grumpy, h311o, JJK59, ninjax, razer22, yoyo, zerokewl

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