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Hi All, I understand the Legendary drop locations suppose to be random. However, in the area before Maghda, Act II. I have Consistently gotten about 5 Legendaries in Nightmare, Hell, and Inferno.
If you think you got a good location for Legendary Drops. Lets share them. |
Consistent Legendary Drop Locations
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i've only gotten 2 drops, and both were off gobs in act 3 on the bridge before siege |
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ive gotten 2 legendaries from act 1's warden prison thing. no where else
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I have found my legendaries scattered throughout acts 1 and 2.
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Legendary for me drop more often in the keeps in Act 3 than anywhere else.
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ive gotten 2 legendaries from act 1's warden prison thing. no where elsethis and i've only gotten 2 drops, and both were off gobs in act 3 on the bridge before siegethis also this Legendary for me drop more often in the keeps in Act 3 than anywhere else. so there must be some relation, what you guys think? (what i mean here, is that those are also the areas I've gotten my legendaries before, though post 1.0.4 i still got none :() |
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The place where i've found most legendaries is at the cemetery in act 1, more than 5 :O xD
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Are you saying there are more chances to have the Legendary drops in the Dungeons rather than the regular maps?
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Same for me but 3 legendaries and also: 2 legendaries from Act 3 Fields of Slaughter However, these are the spots I mostly farm |
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Found my legendary's at areat crater or whatever that is called with all the spiders in act 3
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Not for me i have found 1 in dugeons the rest have been off the map |
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I've found most of my legendaries in Arreat Crater (I only farm Act 3). That being said, two of the best items I've found (Shenlong FoL and a high INT/VIT Zunimassa's Vision) were found in the Tower of the Cursed and on the Bridge of Korsikk (off white mobs). As far as I can tell, there is no specific area where quantity/quality of legendaries is affected by location. That being said, my personal theory as to why people claim legendaries drop in specific areas is as follows:
1) Valor stacks DO AFFECT LEGENDARY DROP RATE. The specific mechanics are not quite clear, but the MF from valor stacks does affect the way items roll. When an item drops, the game tries to first roll legendary/set. If it does not hit that, it releases to a six-affix; if it does not hit that, 5-affix, etc. The chance for the item to roll legendary/set is multipled by your MF, IE, if the percent was 5% and you had 100 MF, the percent would be double or 10%. My point is that you are more likely to find legendaries/set with 5 stacks of valor, so you are less likely to find them before you obtain that. Of course the percentages are really low to start with, but I think you would notice a difference if you kept track for maybe, 100-200 full Act runs. 2) People usually follow the same farming route each time. I always open with Keep Depths, go to Bridge, then end with Arreat Crater. I'm least likely to find a legendary in the Keep and most likely to find one by Arreat simply because of my farming route. 3) The number of mobs. Without getting into the psychology too much, finding a legendary in an area with sparse mobs tends to stick out in one's mind more (even more if the legendary is good). People tend to believe there is some kind of link between the area and the legendary drop because it LOOKS more significant. An area with dense mobs is usually forgotten much more quickly because of more stuff happening (especially if the legendary is garbage). That being said, the densest areas of mobs are going to have the highest chance for legendary drops. 4) People cluster certain areas together. I don't remember whether the legendaries I found were in AC level 1, level 2, or the core. But that's 3 separate areas and a whole lot of crap to kill! Compare that with a single area like say, the Barracks or Icefall Caves. It isn't fair to compare the results those two with arreat crater because arreat crater is much larger and people tend to just group all 3 parts into a single area. |
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i found most of the legendaries in caves and and mostly in the near end of act 3
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still no legendary after 30 hours in inferno :(
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@kotsoz Not a bad thing to be upset about Kotsoz. The chance is you'll only drop a crummy, maybe even useless, legendary in act 1. Hopefully your luck changes when you get to three and have that increased chance to drop ilvl 63 items.
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I kind of agree what Metta has shared . Act 3's the easiest for WW barb due to the confined space and tons of mobs packed together . The only negative issue is that I have probably missed some legendary drop as WW barbs just run from elite to elite and we dont' track back .
One thing I'm sure of is that chances of legendary drops are higher when you're in a party instead of solo . Try public games for a change or farm with a fren . |
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Since 104, I've found 4 Legendaries in my A3 runs. Haven't really bothered playing A1 or A2 since then.
Two on the bridge, one in the tower, one in the keep. The general impression I get, from my experience and reading others', is that finding Legendaries doesn't depend so much on where you go as much as what you bother to do - as in, kill and break everything versus rush elites. Out of the 15 Legendaries which I have found, only one has come from an elite kill. The rest have been from mostly white enemies, and even some chests and breakables. |
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I would not worry to much about finding them as the 8 or so i have found have all been crap the best i sold for 350k when the cost of stone was going through the roof the rest was vendor trash
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I was in the same boat, until farming A2 I got Andy visage that sold for 11mil. In the same run though I got some frost glove valued at....brimstone price.
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I usually find them in the Fortified Bunker (just outside the main city) and Stonefort.
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i've found 1 legendary in act 3 keeps, and 1 from azmodan
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From typically farming A3, I've had one drop in the keeps, one in fields of slaughter and 2 in the tower. Seems "random" to me. :P
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Only one I have found was from Keep Depths Level 2 I believe.
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I've found close to 30 but I think the most common place I find them are in The Core of Arrea just before Azmodan.
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