![]() Posts: 30
They say people who don't learn their history are doomed to repeat it, so I think it would be good to have a hardcore death thread so mistakes can be learned from.
I'll go ahead and start! Where: (Act 1) The pillars before the Skeleton King that summon all the skeletons Difficulty: Normal What happened: I got cocky and let myself get swarmed by all the skeletons Lessons learned: Never underestimate an area, and always try to employ the best tactics (i.e. don't get lazy and rush things) |
R.I.P. Thread
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Where: (Act 3) The big bridge before the siege beast
Difficulty: Hell What happened: Lost power while fighting elites, died at level 58. Lesson learned: Don't play HC during lightning storms. |
![]() Posts: 35
Where: Azmodan
Difficulty: Normal What happened: I tried to race my DPS and health VS. Azmodan's DPS and health (Those big black circles he casts) Lessons learned: No matter how close the mob is to dying it isn't worth the risk of gambling your character. I would have lived if I had simply backed off for a few seconds and come back after the circles disappeared. |
![]() Posts: 551
Where: Defiled Crypt
Difficulty: Inferno What happened: Got a wall created on top of me and a pool of plague below me while I was searching for Dataminer. Lessons learned: Doesn't matter how many times you have done any area (did the crypt about 40 times by then) you must concentrate on what you are doing and avoid corners. |
![]() Posts: 551
Where: Eastern Channel (Sewer in Act 2)
Difficulty: Hell What happened: Trying to get that last bit of XP to get to lvl 60 and gear up to quickly and easily finish hell diff. Got ambushed by one of those sneaky snakes. Rare pack with horde and frozen. Didn't turn out so good. Lessons learned: Don't count your chickens before they hatch. I was only "strolling through the act" to get the last xp. Another 15 - 30 minutes and I would have hit lvl 60. |
![]() Posts: 338
@Bort Damn, that sucks big time. I didn't bring any of my characters past the oasis before they hit 60. The packs can start to get pretty rough from then on (the snakes with spears hit so hard with even their base attack). I much prefer just upping the MP level as needed and sticking to A1 as much as I can.
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Where: Crystal Colonade
Difficulty: Nightmare What Happened: DH got walled by a group of elites into a tiny area with the Act 4 Keywarden inside the walls with her. Healing reduction plus close combat and elite waller with arcane beams made for short work of the DH. |
![]() Posts: 909
this thread is the reason i don't play hc...
i may try it to mix things up, but the risk v reward is not worth it imho |
![]() Posts: 37
Nice thread. I havent died yet. Im actually scared to keep playing. Currently have a lvl 53 barb. Havent touched a shield yet, rocking 2hand, and want to hit 60 going 2hand all the way. Im halfway through act2 hell and have had a few real close calls. Will update this if I die or hit 60. Hah.
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Demon Hunter
LVL 30 Normal MP10 Fields of Slaughter Drowzy and fell asleep for like 20 seconds (yeah, I know). Woke up surrounded, noticed spider companion dead, vault, vault, templar dies, and then I die. |
![]() Posts: 6
Where: Act 1 Level 60 Plvl 1 First time the game has ever lagged for me. Cost me my hardcore character to two groups of elites who magically appeared with all guns firing. Mortars, Molten, Arcane, Waller, Fast, Shielding, Electrified, and damage reflection. Were the total eight affixes. Got to watch his death in hi speed as the graphics caught up. Salvo of ~30mortars, 5 arcane beams, glowing field of molten, all walled into one nice neat package of lag death. Think I will take a break from HC for a while. |
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Witch Doctor
Level 56, Hell Act 1 On the way to cross between Southern and Northern Highland Lag. Monk Level 22, Normal Act 2 Road to Arcanus Lag. Lessons learned, try softcore first to check if connection is good; and, do not continue another hardcore toon immediately, if you just lost one on weird lag. |
![]() Posts: 512
Level 29 Where: (Act 3) Appropriately in the Fields of Slaughter. Difficulty: Normal What happened: Group of roughly 30 monsters surrounded me, clicked leap to leap away, and watched my barb get hacked to death. Lessons learned: Don't get in the middle of a group of monsters when b.net is laggy. |
![]() Posts: 816
Too funny...
Act 3 mp10 Plvling. Crazed running douv and myself. We finished AC1 and were in AC2 when a triple bomb tower killed both of us. My lvl 33 monk with 3 Cain set and 1mil ruby. Douv lvl 29(ish) monk with 3 piece Cain set and flawless ruby. Brutal, but a funny way to go...oh and I didn't go alone!! |
![]() Posts: 151
Barbarian Lvl 11 MP5 Normal Co-op - I was getting bored sitting around my party, so decided to wander alone in that bloody Cavern of Aranae, long story short I got cornered by an elite back with lasers, died in an instant. I will never again wander off from my party.
![]() Posts: 1445
One million gem?! I guess we were overconfident and became a little bit reckless. With the fleeting shrine buff and all three of us running fast and very close to each others (and so many pets which covered up the ground), I didn't even notice that I walked right into whatever things that exploded. What a gear sink too, I have a Cain's set and 2 legendary 1h with socket. |
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Yeah I bought the 25% xp gem for a tad over 1 mil.
My lvl 11 monk is ready for lvling though. |
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I think I am done with powerleveling on my alts. I am going to focus on WD farming after buying some gears.
I am going to solo quest my other HC toons for the leveling experience when I get bored of farming. I can still power level you guys though when the timing is good. |
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Thank you. I don't need all the way, but some lvls would help a lot.
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Lost another monk. Think I am with douv and will end this silly lvling craze. I hate the slow grind and hate begging for runs.
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Lost my first HC character last night. It was a lvl 60 (12) WD. I had started an act 3 run in a public game and had found 3 legendaries. I was starving but couldn't stop because the last one was a Mempo with cc! It was the best item I've ever found and I've played since day one. Thank God I put it in the stash before rejoining the others near the bridge of Korsik in act 3. About 10 minutes later I died when we rolled into arcane illusionist desicrator jailer horde. I tried to run but it was too late! Proof positive the luck evens out!
![]() Posts: 68
Sorry about your loss and welcome to HC. We have a small group of people that are willing to power level others and do runs in inferno while skyping, which is much safer. It may not have helped your situation, though. Please feel free to add me to your friends list and hit me up for waypoints or leveling. Add your name in the power leveling signup thread...
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Sorry for your loss, but I'd love to help you hack on your feet. Free power lvling is easy. The question I have is what do you want for your int mempo?? My WD just hit p37 and could surely use one. |
![]() Posts: 1445
Sorry for your loss. I know Wizard isn't an easy class to play in HC. I believe you will be back on your feet in no time. If you need WP or power level, or just a partner in questing just let me know and add me. On my levelling characters, I have a barb at 26 doing MP10 atm, seems like hardly a scratch on him so far! Then a DH at 49. |
![]() Posts: 1445
Oh :P sorry I misread it. I will blame it on the small screen on my IPhone! |