[US] I want to be your one stop mythic potion shop!

Posted by Member mentok1982 on 2/4/13 08:46 AM #1
Posts: 324

If you have extra Mythic Health potions I will buy them from you for 50 gold each which is 5,000 for a full stack of 100.

If you need Mythic Health potions I will sell them to you for 100 gold each which is 10,000 for a full stack of 100.

Why should you deal with me?
•Potions can't be sold in the AH.
•Vendoring potions gives you only 24 gold per potion. I will buy yours for double that.
•Buying potions from a vendor costs over 600 gold each. I will sell them to you for 1/6 of that.

Why would I turn myself into a potion vendor?
I sold 400 potions to a friend of mine last night and he was very happy to get so many cheap potions. I am interested to see if I can turn this into a small side business that nets me a small but steady Return on Investment. The main reason I am doing this is to buy and sell potions to people at better prices than the in-game vendor. I am not trying to make tons of money on this.
Posted by Member mentok1982 on 2/4/13 12:19 PM #2
Posts: 324

I got a few buyers and one seller so far from my thread in the official forums!
This might actaully become a thing for me.
Posted by Member douvinsky on 2/4/13 05:54 PM #3
Posts: 1445


I can tell you that you are going at the right direction. There is definitely a market for this.

For me,

I don't pick up potions since it only slows down my farming speed/ pace. I will just buy from the vendor if I ever need them again.

For you,

Your suppliers:
1. Players who pick up potions from the ground

Your buyers:
1. Players like me who does not pick up potions from the ground, and don't mind giving you some business by buying some cheap potions in advance
2. Players who are lowly geared and who die a lot even with potions

Speaking of which, I would like to order 100 potions for 10k please :P
Posted by Member mentok1982 on 2/5/13 10:38 AM #4
Posts: 324

I will be in game at around 6:40PM tonight. I thank you for only asking for a single stack of 100.
Everyone starts by asking me for 5 stacks and I have to talk them down to 2 or 3 so I can have enough to sell some to everyone else.
Posted by Member nuhertz on 2/5/13 11:24 AM #5
Posts: 512

I sold a few stacks to mentok last night, and would encourage anyone else who has some extra to do so as well.

It helps the quality of life for under geared chars, and the guy isn't even trying to make a profit.
Posted by Member mentok1982 on 2/5/13 11:39 AM #6
Posts: 324

Posted by nuhertz at 02/05/2013 11:24 AM

I sold a few stacks to mentok last night, and would encourage anyone else who has some extra to do so as well.

It helps the quality of life for under geared chars, and the guy isn't even trying to make a profit.

I really hope Blizzard adds friends list notes soon so that I can tell who I should be selling to and who I can buy from. I could even edit the note so I could see the last time I sold to each person.
Posted by Member shniggies on 2/5/13 12:06 PM #7
Posts: 909

not sure if they fixed this, but the cauldron in act1, someone's hut (forgot her name) always drops a potion... you can farm these as well... hopefully i don't screw up your market
Posted by Member nuhertz on 2/5/13 12:40 PM #8
Posts: 512

I think just a "clan" channel would be nice, then d3rmt users could have a chat, rather than me having to troll in trade chat all the time.

Maybe we should just hang out in wizard chat or something that's always empty?
Posted by Member nuhertz on 2/5/13 04:30 PM #9
Posts: 512

Posted by shniggies at 02/05/2013 12:06 PM

not sure if they fixed this, but the cauldron in act1, someone's hut (forgot her name) always drops a potion... you can farm these as well... hopefully i don't screw up your market

LOL at this. Farming pots worth 100 gold each....

Posted by Member douvinsky on 2/5/13 05:25 PM #10
Posts: 1445

Posted by mentok1982 at 02/05/2013 10:38 AM

I will be in game at around 6:40PM tonight. I thank you for only asking for a single stack of 100.
Everyone starts by asking me for 5 stacks and I have to talk them down to 2 or 3 so I can have enough to sell some to everyone else.

Take your time. I am not in a hurry :P

In a few patches before, there was a vendor in Act 1 (above Wotham) who sold potions at 50% discount, and there is even a youtube showing you how to buy cheap potions from him. You are selling even cheaper than the vendor, so you definitely got a market.

I encourage everyone who has excess potions to pass to this guy. He is taking the trouble to do a good distributing service.
Posted by Member alyu314 on 2/5/13 06:24 PM #11
Posts: 44

mentok1982, how many stacks do you have? I'd like to buy 20 stacks for 200000. lmk!
Posted by Member shniggies on 2/5/13 08:23 PM #12
Posts: 909

Posted by nuhertz at 02/05/2013 04:30 PM

Posted by shniggies at 02/05/2013 12:06 PM

not sure if they fixed this, but the cauldron in act1, someone's hut (forgot her name) always drops a potion... you can farm these as well... hopefully i don't screw up your market

LOL at this. Farming pots worth 100 gold each....

hey sometimes you just need pots, and if you're like me, stingy as hell
Posted by Member douvinsky on 2/5/13 08:25 PM #13
Posts: 1445

Posted by shniggies at 02/05/2013 08:23 PM

Posted by nuhertz at 02/05/2013 04:30 PM

Posted by shniggies at 02/05/2013 12:06 PM

not sure if they fixed this, but the cauldron in act1, someone's hut (forgot her name) always drops a potion... you can farm these as well... hopefully i don't screw up your market

LOL at this. Farming pots worth 100 gold each....

hey sometimes you just need pots, and if you're like me, stingy as hell

Moreover, her potion is abit special. She brews love potions.
Posted by Member shniggies on 2/5/13 09:39 PM #14
Posts: 909

tru dat!!!!
Posted by Member eastdragon42 on 2/5/13 10:54 PM #15
Posts: 413

@mentok1982: This is a pretty cool service you're setting up, & I imagine I will be hitting you up in game some time in the near future for some potions! :-) Though with that being said, I imagine it's going to be easier to find customers who want to buy from you as opposed to sell to you...? Cause it seems like most players will either (1) keep the potions they pick up for themselves to use, like myself; (2) not bother to even pick them up at all, such as @douvinsky; or (3) sell them straight to the vendor, rather than accumulating stacks & stacks of them. I mean, stash & inventory slots are very precious, so using up two slots for a return of a maximum of 10,000 gold seems like it would hardly be worthwhile in the long run for most players...? Dunno, just my two cents. Though I do wish you luck in this endeavor, as I do hope to buy potions from you someday..! :-)

Posted by douvinsky at 02/05/2013 05:25 PM

In a few patches before, there was a vendor in Act 1 (above Wotham) who sold potions at 50% discount, and there is even a youtube showing you how to buy cheap potions from him. You are selling even cheaper than the vendor, so you definitely got a market.

Yah, I'd heard about this guy too, though never used him. Instead, I use the one in Act 2 in the Dalghur Oasis, since I'm always there to farm for the Infernal Machine key anyway. He doesn't always appear, but when he does, it's 50% off--so I'll usually just fill up my one potion slot to around 95 (leave a little bit of room in case I immediately pick up a couple of potions off of dead demon corpses..)

Posted by shniggies at 02/05/2013 12:06 PM

not sure if they fixed this, but the cauldron in act1, someone's hut (forgot her name) always drops a potion... you can farm these as well... hopefully i don't screw up your market

Yes, there is a free potion at that one spot...however, the time it takes to exit the game & resume it in order to re-farm that one potion usually isn't worth it. After all, time = money (or in this case, virtual gold), right? :-)
Posted by Member douvinsky on 2/5/13 11:19 PM #16
Posts: 1445


I believe there are some players who does not (or could not) focus on farming efficiency vs time, who prefer to hack every monsters and pick up every gold piles and potions :P
Posted by Member eastdragon42 on 2/6/13 02:41 AM #17
Posts: 413

Posted by douvinsky at 02/05/2013 11:19 PM

I believe there are some players who does not (or could not) focus on farming efficiency vs time, who prefer to hack every monsters and pick up every gold piles and potions :P

Hahaha, yeah...that would probably be me... :-0 I am by far one of the most inefficient farmers out there. I have gotten better though. At the start, I would literally pick up *everything*, including all the normal & broken white weapons. Since then, at least I now ignore those. :-)

But I do still pick up all the blue magic items, & every potion as well....
Posted by Member mentok1982 on 2/6/13 06:43 AM #18
Posts: 324

Posted by alyu314 at 02/05/2013 06:24 PM

mentok1982, how many stacks do you have? I'd like to buy 20 stacks for 200000. lmk!

I sold out of potions again last night!

I did not receive any potions last night but I got a friend request this morning from a person who wants to sell me some potions. I am going to accept it tonight so that I can still see his message about wanting to sell. Otherwise I won't remember which new friend has potions for me.

@douvinsky I don't think I sold to you last night. Send me a message tonight when you see me come online please.
Posted by Member mentok1982 on 2/6/13 06:48 AM #19
Posts: 324

Posted by eastdragon42 at 02/06/2013 02:41 AM

Posted by douvinsky at 02/05/2013 11:19 PM

I believe there are some players who does not (or could not) focus on farming efficiency vs time, who prefer to hack every monsters and pick up every gold piles and potions :P

Hahaha, yeah...that would probably be me... :-0 I am by far one of the most inefficient farmers out there. I have gotten better though. At the start, I would literally pick up *everything*, including all the normal & broken white weapons. Since then, at least I now ignore those. :-)

But I do still pick up all the blue magic items, & every potion as well....

I pick up everything that is not a white item while I farm XP in MP0. I can actually keep my Archon going if I am quick about it. That is how I built up my initial stock of potions (like 1,400).

About blue items:
I check the price of Equisite Essences before I get in the game. Last night they were selling for over 900 gold. So I broke down any level 61-63 blues into essences if their vendor worth was 700 or less. Then at the end of the night I sell all my essences. They sell really fast!

There is more profit there than you think, because a lot of blues I break down have vendor prices of less than 200 to 400 gold.
Posted by Member mentok1982 on 2/7/13 07:33 AM #20
Posts: 324

I made no sales last night. :(

That is because I had no potions to sell. I have a new friend request from another seller that I will accept this evening. There are two other sellers that I am aware of, but for various reasons I have been unable to buy anything from them so far.
Posted by Member douvinsky on 2/7/13 04:43 PM #21
Posts: 1445


My suggestion to you is that you could start by advertising to BUY potions only.

Once you build up enough stocks, advertising to sell, in addition to buy.
Posted by Member mentok1982 on 2/8/13 06:42 AM #22
Posts: 324

Posted by douvinsky at 02/07/2013 04:43 PM


My suggestion to you is that you could start by advertising to BUY potions only.

Once you build up enough stocks, advertising to sell, in addition to buy.

Even if I did that, I still have several people that know I sell potions.

I did manage to sell some potions last night!
I bought four stacks and then I sold 5 stacks (one of those was a stack I gathered myself).
Posted by Member zerokewl on 2/9/13 09:00 AM #23
Posts: 816

Since your supply is less than demand you should raise prices.
Posted by Member mentok1982 on 2/11/13 09:19 AM #24
Posts: 324

I didn't play at all on Saturday and Sunday but I think I will play tonight.

I bought a good amount of potions on Friday night and I still have most of them.
If you need some, send me a message if you see me online.
Posted by Member mentok1982 on 2/12/13 07:37 AM #25
Posts: 324

I sold a good amount of potions last night and I have 2 stacks left right now.
I can't wait to get home and experience all the patch changes.

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