Stupidly obvious things people many not know

Posted by Member ecocd on 12/7/12 07:30 AM #1
Posts: 1059

Just last night I discovered that I don't have to let go of the left mouse button to use my other skills. While holding down the left mouse button to fire off Hungering Arrows, I can press 1 on my keyboard and the Spike Trap goes up without a meaningful pause in firing. This may increase my dps up to 10% in extended fights. I feel stupid that I've been playing this game for months and didn't know that.

So this thread is for posting obvious, useful things about the game, gameplay or Auction House that 95% of us probably already know. For that 1 person out of 20 that didn't know, their life may be made be much easier.

Some other tidbits I've picked up.
-Followers provide their Experience/GF/MF bonus even while they're dead
-If you click "bid" on an item in the Auction House you can tell if someone has already placed at least one bid on the item by seeing if the new bid price is above the current bid price
-Treasure Goblins stop dead in their tracks when a DH activates Smokescreen (and no other party members are close by); this is very useful if you can chase them into a Sentry nest
Posted by Member Venoom on 12/7/12 07:43 AM #2
Posts: 261

for the Auction House, you can also simply check if it says "Starting Price" or "Current Bid" to know if there was a bid.
Posted by Member douvinsky on 12/7/12 07:44 AM #3
Posts: 1445

Some may not be obvious.

One thing that I only recently knew, but which has made my life so much easier:

- Placing max bid in auction house, automatically help you refresh your bid, and if you won it below your max bid, the excess will be refunded to you.

Knowing this have helped me won various bid wars, and I no longer suspect there is an AH bot out there.
Posted by Member gnawol on 12/7/12 07:45 AM #4
Posts: 349

- Holding ALT while equipping a ring or Weapon will go into the secondary ring slot/offhand
- You can bind a "move" key which will allow you to walk through mobs without attacking
Posted by Member Venoom on 12/7/12 07:47 AM #5
Posts: 261

if you want to snipe items, it is better to isolate them through search and constantly refresh to see current bid and time left, instead of watching them in the active auctions tab where it doesn't always update properly.
I find it more reliable
Posted by Member ecocd on 12/7/12 07:50 AM #6
Posts: 1059

Posted by Venoom at 12/07/2012 07:43 AM

for the Auction House, you can also simply check if it says "Starting Price" or "Current Bid" to know if there was a bid.
Life is made easier for me. Also, can an admin/mod change the title of this thread to reflect "may" instead of "many"?
Posted by Member Venoom on 12/7/12 07:50 AM #7
Posts: 261

if you use the Trade Window, to avoir scams, only sell the item at a price that looks like this:
x'123'456'789 (if it's a x billion gold item)
xxx'123'456 (if it's a xxx million gold item)

this way you don't have to count the zeros and worry about it.
Posted by Member douvinsky on 12/7/12 07:51 AM #8
Posts: 1445

Posted by Venoom at 12/07/2012 07:47 AM

if you want to snipe items, it is better to isolate them through search and constantly refresh to see current bid and time left, instead of watching them in the active auctions tab where it doesn't always update properly.
I find it more reliable

I use stop watch when it is about 3-4 minutes left, and re-check it every minute to adjust the deviation of second to the ... exact nano second.
Posted by Member Venoom on 12/7/12 07:52 AM #9
Posts: 261

I use a stop watch as well, usually works well, I enter my max bid few seconds before it's over and not just bid more.
Posted by Member douvinsky on 12/7/12 07:53 AM #10
Posts: 1445

Auction House:

Before Blizz fix the space, comma problem, when I list item I like to list the buyout in the following format to make sure I don't miss out a zero

Posted by Member Venoom on 12/7/12 07:55 AM #11
Posts: 261

or you can type multiples of three.

if my item is 15Mio, I type 15, then 3 zeros, then 3 zeros.

Posted by Member douvinsky on 12/7/12 08:00 AM #12
Posts: 1445

I tried multiple zeros of three, but the downside is it is still hard to recheck. Just in case sometimes the keyboard stuck!
Posted by Member douvinsky on 12/7/12 08:03 AM #13
Posts: 1445

Server Maintenance Day

When the US server is down, you can click option and change the server to Europe and play over there (characters/ gold/ items not transferrable). @Venoom, I finally accepted your friend request at Europe server!
Posted by Member douvinsky on 12/7/12 08:14 AM #14
Posts: 1445

Posted by ecocd at 12/07/2012 07:50 AM

Posted by Venoom at 12/07/2012 07:43 AM

for the Auction House, you can also simply check if it says "Starting Price" or "Current Bid" to know if there was a bid.
Life is made easier for me. Also, can an admin/mod change the title of this thread to reflect "may" instead of "many"?

I like "many". Many secrets Many doesn't know!
Posted by Member Venoom on 12/7/12 08:15 AM #15
Posts: 261

then it's "many don't know"

/grammar police

Posted by Member douvinsky on 12/7/12 08:18 AM #16
Posts: 1445

Many stupid people not know obvious things maybe :p just kidding with the order
Posted by Member Metta on 12/7/12 11:35 AM #17
Posts: 411

When you buy things such as gems or tomes from the AH, "Price per Unit" is almost never the actual price you pay per unit. "Average Last 10 Trades" tends to be a better indicator (although there are glaring exceptions).
Posted by Member Khan on 12/7/12 01:03 PM #18
Posts: 1195

When leveling ALT characters, you can equip them and their followers with Hellfire rings at LVL 0.
Posted by Member shniggies on 12/7/12 01:54 PM #19
Posts: 909

this brings up a question i was going to ask today... how do you spam your cm/ww skills?

currently i have ww on my left mouse click, so i just hold that down and spam 'd' and 'f' which are bound to nova and diamond skin. I have EB bound to my down wheel scroll... so for an uber, i hold down left, scroll down, and spam d and f

now my d and f keys are squeaking from the spamming... @sabin was telling me he just holds down his keys instead of spamming, but i found that its either the keyboard will keep going, or the mouse input keeps going... not both (at least for me)

do i need a new keyboard? or mouse? how do you play cm/ww?

thanks for bring up this topic!
Posted by Member Khan on 12/7/12 02:43 PM #20
Posts: 1195


1) Take caffeine
2) Pour cocktail or open beer
3) Find target elites
4) press the following keys quickly 4-2-3-3-3
4=Explosive Blast - It has a fuse so I hit it first
2=Frost Nova - Frost Nova is pretty immediate in deployment so by the time your in range and you hit 2, your EB's should be going off.
3=Wicked Wind - If find that 3 whirlwinds are enough to get things going
5) Diamond Shards on 1 as necessary.

What type of keyboard are you using?

Posted by Member sabin on 12/7/12 03:06 PM #21
Posts: 338

@Khan do you mash the buttons for the whole fight if it's a long one? I'm talking more about longer fights where you have to stay in place casting for 30 seconds or more. From talking to @euggie and others, it seems different computers act differently, or maybe it's the peripherals.

I have DS, EB, FN all on the keyboard, and I simply hold all 3 down. If I spam left click for WW, the other 3 skills will be cast as soon as the CDs reset. I find that the skills don't cast any faster if I mash the keys instead of holding them. When I want to cast a bubble, I just mash both mouse buttons until it casts (bubble on right click). I find that it's a lot nicer to only have to repeatedly press 1-2 mouse buttons.

Also, your step 1 and 2 are quite important, and should be incorporated into strategies for every class.
Posted by Member Khan on 12/7/12 04:23 PM #22
Posts: 1195

@sabin I just mash them. Fatigue does play a role in uber fights and sometimes I miss-key. This is an important reason to have 2 CM's; in case you miss that freeze, your colleague can hopefully fill in the space. I haven't tried just keeping my fingers on the keys. What type of keyboard do you use? I guess my next question is how does the keyboard know which keyloop to prioritize and in what order (i.e. will it spam 1 3 times and then 3 two times but never activate 2).

My new Razr Blackwidow is on its way and I should see some "augmented" key action in a couple of days. My wife is using my old one. I know I know. No third party programs according to the TOS. Of course, the easiest response is that Blizzard has sponsored/created a mouse with SteelSeries that allows a user to "Assign macros with easy drag-and-drop functionality to personalize the mouse for your game."

The only other argument is an inconsistent and hypocritically moral one: "Automation is cheating" or something like that. To that I would say, please show the line in life where automation should end and manual actions should begin. Then further demonstrate how you obtained said authority to determine that line.
Posted by Member shniggies on 12/7/12 04:30 PM #23
Posts: 909

@khan ahhh i didn't do step 1! no wonder

as @sabin said, after our discussion, it got me thinking about how to make this more efficient. I can't hold down both my left mouse button and the keyboard buttons... only 1 will continuously fire, not both, and i think the max # of inputs is 3

i'll try this when i get home, bind keyboard
a = ww
s = eb
d = nova
f = armor(storm/force)
left = ds
right = aux (slow time/tele/etc)

maybe i can keep holding down asd and just spam left/right mouse whenever needed
hmmmm interesting
Posted by Member sabin on 12/7/12 05:03 PM #24
Posts: 338

@Khan DS and EB seem like they activate as soon as the CD is refreshed. These can activate simultaneously with other skills so there's no conflict. For ones with casting animation like energy armor or nova, I think the button I'm holding down takes priority over the one I'm spamming, but it's kinda tough for me to tell for sure.

I haven't really tested it so I'd have to check later, but I think it functions like this: hold FN and it will be cast once. If you cast WW once while still holding FN, the FN is put next in the queue .

I'm using a Logitech wireless wave mouse and keyboard. I'm used to typical WASD controls, so I base my key bindings around that. I hold ASD, and occasionally W for armor. I like my spamming skills on the mouse buttons.

That d3 mouse looks pretty sweet, I wonder how comfortable it is to use.
Posted by Member NightCrawler9 on 12/7/12 05:32 PM #25
Posts: 444

I usually hold my left click down which is WW, and spam my right click which is Slow Time. Other skills I have as my 1, 2, and 3 and just roll my fingers over them like 123123123123123. Feels more comfortable then just pressing the three down a bunch at once.

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