One-Handed Sword
Undead and Demon enemies within 25 yards take 500-650 weapon damage as Holy every second and are sometimes knocked into the air.
Holy aura damage per second = proc mod * average weapon damage * primary mod * crit mod * total weapon aps * +% element.
proc mod: proc's damage coefficient, often displayed on the item.
average weapon damage = ((minimum weapon damage + maximum weapon damage) / 2)
primary mod = 1 + (primary attribute/100)
crit mod = 1 + (crit chance/100 * crit damage/100)
total weapon aps = (base weapon aps * weapon IAS) * (1 + sum of attack speed increase / 100)
+% element = sum of all relevant +% element bonuses
Azurewrath aura with Knockback occurring.
The stats listed are for the level 60 version, however the item can drop at any level above 60. The legendary effect does not change with level.
Primary Stat
Secondary Stat
One of 2 Magic Properties (varies)
+2 Random Magic Properties
Primary Stats
Secondary Stat
+2 Random Magic Properties
As of Patch 2.2.3 (August 24th, 2015) the following changes were made to this item:
As of Patch 2.1.0 (August 26, 2014) the following changes were made to this item:
Before he fell, Izual was the bearer of the runeblade Azurewrath, an ancient sword blessed by the Song of the Arch as an instrument of the righteous.