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These Items benefit from the +% Elemental Damage stat. You can sort by element on the right.

For a list of items that increase elemental damage vist this link.

Arcane Effects (3)
Band of Hollow Whispers

This ring occasionally haunts nearby enemies.


Moonlight Ward

Hitting an enemy within 15 yards has a chance to ward you with shards of Arcane energy that explode when enemies get close, dealing 240-320% weapon damage as Arcane to enemies within 15 yards.


Tal Rasha's Elements

(4) Set:

  • Damaging enemies with Arcane, Cold, Fire or Lightning will cause a Meteor of the same damage type to fall from the sky. There is an 8 second cooldown for each damage type.
Cold Effects (7)
Fjord Cutter

20–30% chance to be surrounded by a Chilling Aura when attacking.

One-Handed Mighty Weapon

Tal Rasha's Elements

(4) Set:

  • Damaging enemies with Arcane, Cold, Fire or Lightning will cause a Meteor of the same damage type to fall from the sky. There is an 8 second cooldown for each damage type.
The Magistrate

Frost Hydra now periodically casts Frost Nova.

Wizard Hat

Sebor's Nightmare

Haunt is cast on 5 nearby enemies when you open a chest.


Shard of Hate

Elemental skills have a chance to trigger a powerful attack that deals 200–250% weapon damage:

  • Cold skills trigger Freezing Skull
  • Poison skills trigger Poison Nova
  • Lightning skills trigger Charged Bolt

One-Handed Sword

Winter Flurry

Enemies killed by Cold damage have a 15–20% chance to release a Frost Nova.



Performing an attack has a 20–25% chance to hurl a Frozen Orb.


Fire Effects (10)
Cinder Switch

25–50% chance to cast a fireball when attacking.

Two-Handed Axe

Demon Machine

35–65% chance to shoot explosive bolts when attacking.


Fire Walkers

Burn the ground you walk on, dealing 100% weapon damage each second.


Gyana Na Kashu

Lashing Tail Kick releases a piercing fireball that deals 300–400% weapon damage as Fire to enemies within 10 yards on impact.

Spirit Stone


Chance on hit to summon a Demonic Slave.

Two-Handed Sword

Razor Strop

Picking up a Health Globe releases an explosion that deals 300–400% weapon damage as Fire to enemies within 20 yards.



20–45% chance to explode with demonic fury when attacking.

Two-Handed Sword

Shenlong's Spirit

(2) Set:

  • Chance to hurl a ball of pure energy when attacking.

Storm Crow

20–40% chance to cast a fiery ball when attacking.

Wizard Hat

Tal Rasha's Elements

(4) Set:

  • Damaging enemies with Arcane, Cold, Fire or Lightning will cause a Meteor of the same damage type to fall from the sky. There is an 8 second cooldown for each damage type.
Holy Effects (3)

Undead enemies within 25 yards take 30-40% weapon damage as Holy every second and are sometimes knocked back.

One-Handed Sword

Mirinae. Teardrop of the Starweaver

15% chance on hit to smite a nearby enemy for 2000% weapon damage as Holy.

Periodically smite a nearby enemy. (Requires Rank 25)


Monkey King's Garb

(4) Set:

  • Spending 75 Spirit causes a decoy to spawn that taunts nearby enemies and then explodes for 3500% weapon damage as Holy.

Lightning Effects (9)

Lighting damage has a chance to turn enemies into lightning rods, causing them to pulse 167-222% weapon damage as Lightning every second to nearby enemies for 6 seconds.

One-Handed Sword

Odyn Son

20–40% chance to Chain Lightning enemies when you hit them.

One-Handed Mace

Raiment of a Thousand Storms

(6) Set:

  • Whenever you teleport to an enemy, release Lightning at all nearby enemies for 3000% weapon damage.
Shard of Hate

Elemental skills have a chance to trigger a powerful attack that deals 200–250% weapon damage:

  • Cold skills trigger Freezing Skull
  • Poison skills trigger Poison Nova
  • Lightning skills trigger Charged Bolt

One-Handed Sword

Schaefer's Hammer

Getting hit has a chance to charge you with Lightning, causing you to deal 190–250% weapon damage as Lightning every second for 5 seconds to nearby enemies.

Two-Handed Mace

Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker

Chance on hit to blast your enemy with Lightning, dealing 279–372% weapon damage as Lightning and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Each enemy hit has their attack speed and movement speed reduced by 30% for 3 seconds. Jumps up to 5 targets.

One-Handed Sword

Thunder God’s Vigor

Blocking, dodging or being hit causes you to discharge bolts of electricity that deal 100–130% weapon damage as Lightning.


Tal Rasha's Elements

(4) Set:

  • Damaging enemies with Arcane, Cold, Fire or Lightning will cause a Meteor of the same damage type to fall from the sky. There is an 8 second cooldown for each damage type.
Wreath of Lightning

15% chance on hit to gain a mini-Conduit buff, dealing 600% weapon damage as Lightning every second to nearby enemies for 3 seconds.

While under the effect of the mini-Conduit, gain 25% increased movement speed. (Requires Rank 25)


Physical Effects (7)

Dodging or getting hit by a ranged attack automatically shoots a homing rocket back at the attacker for 600–800% weapon damage as Physical.


Bul-Kathos's Oath

(2) Set:

  • Chance on attack to Whirlwind furiously for 325% weapon damage as Physical every second for 6 seconds.

Death’s Bargain

Gain an aura of death that deals 750-1000% of your Life per Second to enemies within 20 yards. You no longer regenerate Life.


Death Watch Mantle

15–35% chance to explode in a fan of knives for 200% weapon damage when hit.


Pain Enhancer

Critical hits cause the enemy to bleed for 1200% weapon damage as Physical over 3 seconds.

Gain Blood Frenzy, granting you 3% increased Attack Speed for each bleeding enemy within 20 yards. (Requires Rank 25)


Sash of Knives

25% chance on attack to throw a dagger at a nearby enemy for 275–350% weapon damage as Physical.


Stalgard's Decimator

Your melee attacks throw a piercing axe at a nearby enemy, dealing 550–650% weapon damage as Physical.

Two-Handed Sword

Poison Effects (6)
Andariel's Visage

Chance on hit to release a Poison Nova that deals 100-130% weapon damage as Poison to enemies within 10 yards.


Gem of Efficacious Toxin

Poison all enemies hit for 2000% weapon damage over 10 seconds.

All enemies you poison take 10% increased damage from all sources. (Requires Rank 25)


Mad Monarch's Scepter

After killing 10 enemies, you release a Poison Nova that deals 1050–1400% weapon damage as Poison to enemies within 30 yards.

One-Handed Mace

Manajuma's Way

(2) Set:

  • You are surrounded by a deadly Poison Cloud.
Pox Faulds

When 3 or more enemies are within 12 yards, you release a vile stench that deals 240–320% weapon damage as Poison every second for 10 seconds to enemies within 15 yards.


Shard of Hate

Elemental skills have a chance to trigger a powerful attack that deals 200–250% weapon damage:

  • Cold skills trigger Freezing Skull
  • Poison skills trigger Poison Nova
  • Lightning skills trigger Charged Bolt

One-Handed Sword

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