Gain an aura of death that deals 750-1000% of your Life per Second to enemies within 20 yards. You no longer regenerate Life.
This item is a Reaper of Souls only item.
The minimum level this item can drop at is 12. Below you will find the range of stats found on the level 12 version, however the item can drop at any level above 12. The legendary effect does not change with level.
One of 3 Magic Properties (varies)
One of 2 Magic Properties (varies)
+3 Random Magic Properties
Primary Stats
One of 3 Magic Properties (varies)
+3 Random Magic Properties
"Rumors persist that these baleful breeches were won from Malthael himself in a game of chance. Though the pants offer a significant advantage in combat, they never cease draining the vitality of those around them, as the unfortunate cardsharp learned only after bringing about the demise of his entire household. It would appear the Angel of Death is a sore loser." —Abd al-Hazir