Fjord Cutter

One-Handed Mighty Weapon

You are surrounded by a Chilling Aura when attacking.

Item Details

  • Internal Cooldown: N/A
  • Benefit from +% element: Yes
  • Can crit: No
  • Affected by ability proc coeff: N/A
  • Dual wielding:
    • Activates from either weapon.
    • Scales with active weapon damage.

Damage Formula

Frost aura damage per second = proc mod * average weapon damage * primary mod * crit mod * total weapon aps * +% element.

proc mod: proc's damage coefficient, often displayed on the item.

  • type: dynamic
  • range: 0.7

average weapon damage = ((minimum weapon damage + maximum weapon damage) / 2)

primary mod = 1 + (primary attribute/100)

crit mod = 1 + (crit chance/100 * crit damage/100)

total weapon aps = (base weapon aps * weapon IAS) * (1 + sum of attack speed increase / 100)

Frost aura.

Guaranteed Stats

The minimum level this item can drop at is 8. Below you will find the range of stats found on the level 8 version, however the item can drop at any level above 8. The legendary effect does not change with level.


  • 31.2 Base DPS
  • 17–31 Damage
  • 1.30 Attacks per Second


  • 7.5–10.0% Chance to Freeze on Hit

One of 2 Magic Properties (varies)

  • +(1–2)–(2–4) Cold Damage
  • +(6–7)–(8–9) Cold Damage

One of 2 Magic Properties (varies)

  • +27–35 Strength

+2 Random Magic Properties


  • 1862.9–2209.4 Base DPS
  • (1230–1448)–(1636–1951) Damage
  • 1.30 Attacks per Second

Primary Stats

  • +(981–1199)–(1175–1490) Cold Damage
  • +626–750 Strength


  • 7.5–10.0% Chance to Freeze on Hit

+2 Random Magic Properties

As of Patch 2.2.3 (August 24th, 2015) the following changes were made to this item:

  • Chilling aura proc chance increased from 20-30% to 100%

Flavour Text

It takes a sturdy weapon to survive on the shores of the Frozen Sea.

Please comment below if you have a picture, video or more information to provide about this item.