Spirit Stone
Damaging enemies has a chance to grant you an effect that removes the Spirit cost of your abilities for 2-4 seconds.
Effect has a cooldown of 30 seconds.
The minimum level this item can drop at is 31. Below you will find the range of stats found on the level 31 version, however the item can drop at any level above 31. The legendary effect does not change with level.
Primary Stats
One of 2 Magic Properties (varies)
+3 Random Magic Properties
Primary Stats
+3 Random Magic Properties
As of Patch 2.1.0 (August 26, 2014) the following changes were made to this item:
This stone is said to have once adorned the wise monk Kekegi’s brow. The hero’s spirit never once wavered during his legendary Five Trials, and that same indomitable will now suffuses this headgear.