Stalgard's Decimator

Two-Handed Sword

Your melee attacks throw a piercing axe at a nearby enemy, dealing 550–650% weapon damage as Physical.

Item Details

The axe this weapon throws travels through enemies in a straight line until it disappears. By holding the button that makes your hero stand still (usually Shift) you can use the flying axe as a ranged attack by left-clicking on an enemy if they are within 20 yards. This ranged attack does not work on breakable objects like barrels. The flying axe will be triggered if you use a melee skill that also has a ranged component like Lashing Tail Kick-Spinning Flame Kick (Hurl a column of fire that burns through enemies, causing 677% weapon damage as Fire to each enemy it strikes).

Guaranteed Stats

The minimum level this item can drop at is 31. Below you will find the range of stats found on the level 31 version, however the item can drop at any level above 31. The legendary effect does not change with level.


  • 110.6 Base DPS
  • 81–120 Damage
  • 1.10 Attacks per Second

One of 3 Magic Properties (varies)

  • +192–245 Dexterity
  • +192–245 Strength
  • +192–245 Intelligence

One of 14 Magic Properties (varies)

  • +(3–6)–(7–14) Arcane Damage
  • +(39–47)–(47–59) Arcane Damage
  • +(3–6)–(7–14) Poison Damage
  • +(39–47)–(47–59) Poison Damage
  • +(3–6)–(7–14) Lightning Damage
  • +(39–47)–(47–59) Lightning Damage
  • +(3–6)–(7–14) Holy Damage
  • +(39–47)–(47–59) Holy Damage
  • +(2–3)–(4–7) Cold Damage
  • +(39–47)–(47–59) Cold Damage
  • +(39–47)–(47–59) Fire Damage
  • +(3–6)–(7–14) Fire Damage
  • +(39–47)–(47–59) Damage
  • +3–6 Minimum Damage +4–8 Maximum Damage
  • +(39–47)–(47–59) Damage

+3 Random Magic Properties


  • 3120–3488 Base DPS
  • (2314–2576)–(3112–3490) Damage
  • 1.15 Attacks per Second

One of 3 Magic Properties (varies)

  • +946–1125 Dexterity
  • +946–1125 Strength
  • +946–1125 Intelligence

One of 7 Magic Properties (varies)

  • +(1177–1439)–(1410–1788) Arcane Damage
  • +(1177–1439)–(1410–1788) Poison Damage
  • +(1177–1439)–(1410–1788) Lightning Damage
  • +(1177–1439)–(1410–1788) Holy Damage
  • +(1177–1439)–(1410–1788) Cold Damage
  • +(1177–1439)–(1410–1788) Fire Damage
  • +(1177–1439)–(1410–1788) Damage

+3 Random Magic Properties

Patch History

As of Patch 2.1.0 (August 26, 2014) the following changes were made to this weapon:

  • Weapon damage increased from 275-350% to 550-650%. This change will apply retroactively.
  • Legendary Power can now proc from Rend, Whirlwind, Cyclone Strike, Tempest Rush, and Shield Bash
  • Can no longer smart roll for Witch Doctor or Wizard.

They also removed the Critical Hit Damage stat and they increased the level 31 base damage.

Flavour Text

Stalgard was a bloodthirsty warlord whose forces briefly controlled the trade routes of the southern plains. He was famed for engaging in duels with the best swordsman of any caravan who dared pass through his territory, offering to let it proceed unmolested if its champion triumphed. Of course, he was equally famed for cheating if he began to lose said duels.

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