Talisman of Aranoch


Prevent all Cold Damage taken and heal yourself for 10-15% of the amount prevented.

Item Details

  • The amulet does not prevent you from being frozen or slowed by frozen attacks.
  • If wear this amulet and Ice Climbers you will heal from Cold attacks and you can never be frozen.
  • This amulet prevents you from taking damage from the effects of the Frozen and Frozen Pulse elite powers.

Other Cold attacks include:

  • Izual's Frozen Nova and Frozen Storm attack
  • Xah’Rith the Keywarden's Frozen Corpse rain

Guaranteed Stats

The minimum level this item can drop at is 29. Below you will find the range of stats found on the level 29 version, however the item can drop at any level above 29. The legendary effect does not change with level.

One of 3 Magic Properties (varies)

  • +128–163 Dexterity
  • +128–163 Strength
  • +128–163 Intelligence

+4 Random Magic Properties

One of 3 Magic Properties (varies)

  • +626–750 Dexterity
  • +626–750 Strength
  • +626–750 Intelligence

+4 Random Magic Properties

Patch History

As of Patch 2.1.0 (August 26, 2014) the following changes were made to this item:

  • No longer rolls with guaranteed Life per Hit. Replaced with an extra random property.

Flavour Text

The heat of the blazing desert protects one from the cold.

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