Helm of the Wastes

Set Helmet

Part of the Wrath of the Wastes set

Set Information

Wrath of the Wastes

(2) Set:

  • Increase the damage per second of Rend by 500% and its duration to 15 seconds.

(4) Set:

  • During Whirlwind you gain 40% damage reduction.

(6) Set:

  • Whirlwind gains the effect of the Dust Devils rune and Dust Devils damage is increased to 2500% weapon damage.

Guaranteed Stats

Level 70 stat ranges shown below.


  • 513–590 Base Armor

Primary Stats

  • +626–750 Strength

+4 Random Magic Properties

Empty Socket

Flavour Text

Noglar of the Crane Tribe went into the wastes for his rite of adulthood. He returned with tales of horrendous cannibal barbarian tribes, many new scars, and this helm.

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