Item Details
- The two piece set bonus will increase your Strength by 500.
- The four piece bonus decreases the cost of all your abilities by 50% during the 20 seconds that Akarat's Chamption is active.
- The six piece bonus reduces the cooldown of Akarat's Chamption down to 45 seconds.
Set Information
Armor of Akkhan
(2) Set:
(4) Set:
- Reduce the cost of all abilities by 50% while Akarats Champion is active.
(6) Set:
- Reduce the cooldown of Akarats Champion by 50%.
Guaranteed Stats
Level 70 stat ranges shown below.
Primary Stats
One of 2 Magic Properties (varies)
- +91–100 Resistance to All Elements
- +71–80 Resistance to All Elements
+4 Random Magic Properties
Flavour Text
When Akkhan set the crusaders to their task, he was heard to say: "Let the crusaders armor their flanks in plate of incredible strength, for their path is dangerous, and death will come at them from all sides."