Roland's Visage

Set Helmet

Part of the Roland's Legacy set

Set Information

Roland's Legacy

(2) Set:

  • Increase the damage of Shield Bash and Sweep Attack by 500%.

(4) Set:

  • Damage bonus increased from 100% to 500%

(6) Set:

  • Every use of Shield Bash or Sweep Attack that hits an enemy grants 30% increased Attack Speed for 3 seconds. This effect stacks up to 5 times.

Guaranteed Stats

Level 70 stat ranges shown below.


  • 660–759 Base Armor

Primary Stats

  • +626–750 Strength

+4 Random Magic Properties

Empty Socket

Flavour Text

"Time passes, but the memory of my master, and the knowledge of what he did for me, does not fade. In fact, it grows stronger. I swear his name shall never be forgotten." —Meditations on My Redemption

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