Uliana's Burden

Set Pants

Part of the Uliana's Stratagem set

Set Information

Uliana's Stratagem

(2) Set:

  • Every third hit of your Spirit Generators applies Exploding Palm.

(4) Set:

  • Your Seven-Sided Strike deals its total damage with each hit.

(6) Set:

  • Your Seven-Sided Strike detonates your Exploding Palm.

Guaranteed Stats

Level 70 stat ranges shown below.


  • 660–759 Base Armor

Primary Stats

  • +416–500 Dexterity

+4 Random Magic Properties

Empty Socket

Empty Socket

Flavour Text

“Uliana’s beliefs were forever altered when she was attacked on the road by beings she believed to be agents of the gods of chaos-if not the gods themselves. She had never imagined beings of such horror could actually exist.” -Poldamyr's Histories of the Veradani

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